Chapter 5 - New Discovery/My Leave

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"Don't." Was all I said before getting completely nude in front of my friend and future alpha. He touched me and undressed himself quickly before inserting himself into me. By now we were running on pure instinct and our bodies controlled us. I won't lie and say my first time was what id invisioned because it wasn't. I had never imagined my first would be my future alpha or my friend but here I was with him.

I didn't think my first time was gonna be like this but it was and a few minutes later it was over. Neighter of us spoke there was nothing to be said. He took me home and I sneaked back inside and into a hot tub of water. 'Why did I do that' was the only thought running thru my head. Suddenly the realization of what I had done settled into me and I cried.

I had lost something precious to me and there was no getting that back not ever. Who would want me now, nobody. I cried and stayed in the bathtub until the hot water turned cold and I looked like a giant fat raisin. I got out and curled into bed before taking out my cellphone and calling my one true friend...liz. It rang twice before she answered "What's up girlfriend." She said and I took a deep breath before answering.

"Can you come over? I need someone to talk to." I asked her and waited for her answer. "Sure thing lilly but are you ok? You sound a little I don't know off?" She asked me and my eyes watered. "Just come over and ill explain...and another thing. Don' don't let my parents see you, ok?" I whispered and I swear I could see her smirking at me.

"Sure lilly." She said and hanged up. A few minutes later she showed up and sat besided me in bed. "Sooo..." she said trying to spark the conversation after several minutes of awkward silence. "Lilly you know you can trust me. Were friends hell your practiclly family to me." She said and got up pacing the room from one side to another while my eyes followed her every move."I know we have grown kinda distant and I've become somewhat of a slutty girl but that changes nothing between us lilly.Don't you trust me?"

She said with a frown. "I trust you." I said with complete sincerity in my voice before spilling my guts to her about everything. She listened patiently as I told her about david my horrible mate and even about Jeremy. "What will I do now liz." I said tears streaming down my face after telling her I had given myself to the future alpha so carelesslly. "Lilly its gonna be ok. You're strong and you'll get thru this." She said and reached into her purse for a pack of mentos.

"Take one." She said handing me the pack of mentos. "A mento?" I asked her confused and she smiled with knowledge I didn't posses. "Lilly since I suppose using protection wasn't your priority at that moment you have to take this pill to prevent a pregnancy and no its not a mento" She said opening the packet and showing me.

I took one and then my wolf spoke. 'Our body is not with child and it won't be anytime soon. Take it, it won't harm you.' My wolf said and that's exatly what I did. Liz stayed over night that day in order to keep me company and help me stay calm instead of freaking out like I surely would've done.

Liz was an incredible friend sure we hadn't been that close lately but that didn't change anything between us. "Morning sleepy head. I gotta go but call me if anything comes or whatever, ok?" Liz told me the next morning and I nodded. "Ok I will." I said and she left while I went back to sleep. "Sweety wake up there's someone here to see you." My mom said waking me up from my slumber.

I got up and looked at the clock on my bedside table. The glowing numbers showed me how late it was 1:35pm 'dam it' I said rushing into the shower before heading downstairs. "Ill just be a minute." I said and I heard my mother speaking to someone. Five minutes later I got out put on a random outfit and went down to meet my guest.

"Jeremy." I said as I stepped into the living room where he sat with my mother talking. "Hi lilly." He said and I blushed. "Ill leave you two to talk." My mom said and went into her room. I sat besides him and we spent a few minutes in silence but it wasn't like before something was different. I didn't know what it was but something was definatelly different perhaps because of what had happened the day before.

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