Haircuts Chapter 47

Start from the beginning

The elder man stuttered, cheeks flushing in anger as he turned nose to nose to the girl. "Are you going to keep acting like a spoiled brat?"

"I don't have to be here Dean!" She screamed at him, "I can fucking leave!"

Sam who had the key for 125, rushed after the pair, waving as a concerned group of patrons watched them. "Dean! She's an adult, she can have her own room!"

"Why?" He hisses, "It's not like she has anyone here to share it with anymore." The words seemed to catch even him by surprise, before he could apologize Belle laughs, shoulders shaking in mirth, "Belle, Kid, I'm sorry."

He was ignored as she spun around on her heel, yanking her door open and slamming it on both of the male's faces'. "Nice going Dean." Sam snapped, ignoring the defensive stutter. "Let's go." He states nudging his head in the direction to their room.


As the door shudders shut behind her, Belle whips her gun to the bed, shouldering off the duffle bag off on the ground. Whipping around to the minibar glaring at the temptations of alcohol sweeping over in front of her. Huffing as the sweet ache of homesickness nips at the tips of her fingers, Belle collapses back on her bed picking up her gun once again, emptying out five rounds on the bed around her and raising to to her temple.



Sighing she lifts it to her head again, finger pushing on the trigger. Crack.

The bullet releases, barreling toward her temple, but then it pauses, she feels the tip of the lead on her skin, a hand grasping the other side, cold white skin brushing her cheek. A sigh and tut of disapproval. "When I said it was almost your time to die, this was not what I meant, Trutina." His tone was laced with an arsenic smelling disappointment.

"Sorry it wasn't how you pictured Grim." Belle whispered eyes glazed with adrenaline.

He sighed sitting on the bed, the itchy cotton transformed into a cool black silk, as his suit made contact, wrapping against her skin. He lifted her head gingerly, sweeping her curls down, his finger pads tracing the purple lightning scar. "You have a bit more to do young one, hang in for a little longer." He promises, his deep brown eyes staring into nothingness, "You will find your peace."

"How do you know?" She mumbled, "You can't answer the question to where I end up." Belle stated, ignoring the fact that she should be uncomfortable.

Death stops a moment, looking down at her, "I believe you will find peace because while I have never believed in good, you are the closest thing to changing my mind, Belle, you are the balance, and if I live an eternity of suffering, you must have one of peace."

Belle shutters, opening her mouth to speak but a knock interrupted her, and Death was gone. In his place, a small white card.

Keep the sheets- 'Grimm'

Huffing she stands, about to make her way to the door when she catches her eye in the mirror, "What the fuck?" She whispered, rubbing at the place where her scar had been, finding nothing but her pale freckled skin. "That prick," she grumbled in disbelief, attention being pulled as another knock interrupted her.

Yanking the door open she came face to face with Sam's puppy-dog pout. "Hey, uh, so get this, Dean and I went to Penny, one of the vics, homes and ended up finding out she was a virgin and extremely religious."

"Oh joy, bible thumpers, love them." Belle muttered, getting a sympathetic nod from Sam.

Sam continued on, "So we're thinking there was something to do with virgins, but there was another attack last night-"

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