Dead Man's Squall...

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Zane's POV:

I followed the girls' instructions, and headed for the pass. I did not know why she helped me, but she seemed to trust me, even thought I was a spy. 

So I decided to trust her.

Mr. E suddenly drove up beside me, and I felt my bike lose weight. The man came up beside me, and I needed answers. "You're the quiet one, aren't you? You're the one in charge!" I shouted, but he did not answer me. I looked ahead, and we were approaching the cliff fast.

The man rammed into my bike, staring me dead in the eye. "Who are you?" I asked, but again he did not answer. The man leant over to my bike, and grabbed the handle, stopping me from steering away from the cliff.

"WHO ARE YOU!?" I yelled, but he still did not answer.

I began to panic, and I forcefully unbuckled my seatbelt, jumping off of my bike and tumbling onto the sand...

A few of my systems were damaged. And when got back up, I looked to my hand which changed back to its metallic form.

I moved around, trying to pull myself together when I spotted Mr. E ahead of me. He looked hurt, and once he turned towards me...I couldn't believe what I saw.

His left arm had completely been ripped off, and sparks came from where it was.

He looked over at me, and connected his arm back to his body.

"You're...You're like me. A Nindroid."

I gasped at the sight, but I couldn't stop now, not when I was this close to gaining information.

I stood back up, and was able to stay on my feet. "Are you the quiet one?" I asked, and he still wasn't responding to my questions. I saw him glance at something behind me, and I slowly followed his vision.

I saw the girl behind me. 

She was lying still in the sand.

I quickly scanned her from where I stood, and she had multiple injuries, all with different severities.

She did as she said she would. Protect me if I needed help. And all I could think about was my purpose; "Protect those who cannot protect themselves."

I slowly turned back to Mr. E, moving so I blocked the girl from his path.

"Are you the quiet one?" I shouted, and the Nindroid charged me. I quickly took out my bow, and started firing at him. He managed to push away my arrows, and punch me straight in the chest.

He quickly grabbed my legs, spinning me around, making enough momentum so when he eventually let go, I was shot towards the cliff.

I did not fall of however, but I did lose my bow in the process.

I turned back around, and attempted to talk with Mr. E again. "Who are you?" I asked again, yet, still no response. He only cracked his knuckles and rushed to me, attempting to make an attack. I was able to avoid it, and make an attack of my own, but he also avoided it.

We kept avoiding each other's attack until I started to lose focus, and started taking hits. Mr. E kept hitting me, and I had to focus. I took a stance and the Nindroid attacked me again, but I still wasn't able to keep up.

I managed to block a few of his hits, and I thought I might have had him. Unfortunately, he dealt a hard punch, almost knocking me off the edge of the cliff.

I was starting to get frustrated by now, and I was sure to keep my ground as he attempted to knock me down. I managed to move myself out of the way, but I didn't take into consideration what my actions could do.

The Split Element- Book 1 (Ninjago: Zane X Oc)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ