The Message...

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3rd Person POV:

Back in Great Lake:

The Ninja who stayed behind to help with the village had been making repairs after their run in with The Empress and her army. There was a lot to fix but the team were slowly getting it done.

The children of Great Lake were not interested in working, so Cole decided to tell them Aly and Zane's tale, and how they arrived in the Never Realm.

"Put down your staff and surrender, Aspheera." Cole held up two small sticks with drawing of Zane and Wu.

"Your days of evil are over." He made Zane talk, while protecting Wu.

"Never. I will have my revenge if it's the last thing I do. Take that, Wu." Cole held up a small stick with Aspheera on it, making her hit Wu and Zane by imitating zapping noises.

"No. Look out, Master Wu." Cole gasped in Zane's voice, making Aspheera hit him.

"Zane, no!" He then made Aly jump into the picture, accidentally making their twigs snap, indicating they had vanished.

"Zane and Aly are gone!" Cole held up a picture of Jay.

"What did you do to my...friends?" Cole gasped, holding up an image of himself while remembering the dreaded events of that day. He froze for a moment, then recalled what happened next

"Take that. I banished them. To the one place from which you can never return, the Never-Realm." Cole laughed in Aspheera's voice, making the children run out of the cabin in fear.

"Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey. It's okay. Look, it's not real. It's just a story." Cole rushed out to them, watching as they ran through the village screaming. "It's just paper! I drew them!" Cole looked at the broken paper Aspheera in his hand and threw it into the snow.

"What did you tell them, Cole?" Kai asked, walking over. "Nothing. I was just telling them about Zane and Aly. And Aspheera. And how she blasted them into the Never-Realm." Cole sighed, remembering everything.

"You really think that story is appropriate for little kids?" Nya asked, carrying a small pile of planks over to her brother.

"Five to thirteen? Absolutely." Cole smiled. "But I thought you were worried about Aly." Kai spoke up, hammering planks of wood onto the side of a cabin.

"I am. I'm just trying to, make light of the situation I guess." Cole sighed, realising that might not have been the best choice.

"Look. Over here. Come quick." A fisherman came running into the village, drawing everyone's attention. "What is it?" A villager asked, just as the man pulled out a small green cloth that looked like it had been torn.

Nya quickly took it, and looked at it closer, realising whose it was.

"This is Lloyd's." She gasped, making the Ninja scared. "Where did you find this?" Cole asked, becoming worried for his friends. "In the snow on the other side of the forest. There were signed of fighting, an avalanche and a group of Blizzard Samurai." The man told them.

"What do you think happened?" Kai wondered, trying to think. "What if, Aly turned into the Empress again?" Jay suggested but Cole didn't like that idea. "No, she wouldn't."

"Cole. Something's clearly happened to her. For all we know, she could have." Kai sighed, making the others worry for Lloyd.

"Will Lloyd be okay?" Jay wondered. "I hope so. Because there's nothing we can do from here. He's on his own." Nya sighed, looking off towards the mountains.

The Split Element- Book 1 (Ninjago: Zane X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now