Questing For Quests...

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Aly's POV:

We had to take a five minute break after being defeated by our master. It was embarrassing to put it bluntly. We used to be an amazing team: taking down crooks and all-powerful beings. But now, we were barely able to catch a chicken.

Granted, it did shoot lightning. But that's besides the point.

Wu had left us with one option: We needed a quest, so we could go back to being actual ninja again. "Anyone got any ideas?" Nya asked, getting up from the floor. "Ugh, no." Cole grumbled. "Why don't we ask Wu if he has any ideas?" I suggested, still sat against the mural. The others seemed to like that idea, since we didn't have any ideas ourselves. 

"Okay. Lloyd, go ask Master Wu for a quest tip." Kai started. "And in the meantime, we can start training again." Zane added. Lloyd nodded, and walked inside to confront Wu. The rest of us got up, chose partners, and began to train with one another. Nya paired up with Kai, and Cole was with Zane. Leaving me and Jay to fight.

We sparred for a while, making positive contacts, blocks and trying other various moves. then Lloyd caught our attention, looking rather disappointed. "How'd it go?" Cole asked, as the rest of us came over. "He's in, uh, a mood." Lloyd told us. "Did he give you a quest tip?" I added, hoping we'd at least have some where to start. 

"No, he said we have to figure it out on our own." Lloyd sighed. "I've been thinking about it for five minutes! I'm tapped out!" Kai gasped. He was right, we had nothing. "Maybe we need a change of scenery. Sometimes, ideas come to you better, if you change your surroundings." We looked to Jay, then at each other, knowing where we were headed.

It didn't take us long to get changed and down to the pool again. But upon entering the water, no one had any ideas. "Nope. Still nothing." Jay groaned, slumping deeper into the pool. "We need a villain." Kai sighed. We thought for a while until Cole thought of someone. 

"What about Ultra Violet?" "Ugh, she was nuts. I'd rather face Kilo." Kai responded. I shuddered at the thought of them. I'd left the S.O.G behind me, and never looked back on it. But I was not willing to see them after our previous meeting. "They are both incarcerated in Kryptarium Prison." Zane told them. "What about Master Chen?" Nya asked. 

"The Departed Realm." Zane shot back. "Pythor?" Cole suggested, but Zane denied it. "Whereabouts unknown. Locating him would require some effort." "Effort?" Cole sighed, sipping from his guzzler again.

"Man, finding a good villain is hard." Kai had accepted defeat, and sat on the edge of the pool. "Let's face it. There aren't any villains left." Jay shouted. "Well, accept, umm..." I looked towards Lloyd, hoping he wouldn't be offended as to what I'd say. 

"Say it. My dad." Lloyd sighed, unhappy the man was mentioned again. Silence filled the area until Nya spoke up. "Wherever he is, he's not really a problem right now. Let's move on." She reassured Lloyd, smiling. "Who does that leave?" Cole wondered, since there seemed to be no one left to fight.

"Maybe we're aiming too high? I mean, we don't have to fight a villain, do we?" I asked, trying to find more options. "She's right." Nya added. "What about a criminal? Or a gangster?" "Pfff. I'd settle for a bully." Jay scoffed. "Perhaps we should check in with the Commissioner? We might be able to assist him in the prevention of some crime?" Zane suggested with a smile. We all agreed, as we had no other ideas.

One by one we left the pool, and got back into our gsi. I was about to join the others when I heard the Bounty's engines start up. I quickly sprinted after them, barely jumping on board. "Guys wait!" They began to leave the monastery, but I managed to jump on board just in time. 

"A little too eager are we?" I laughed, trying to catch my breath. "Oh, Aly, were so sorry." Nya gasped, realising they'd almost left me behind. "Its fine don't worry. Just count heads next time." I giggled, walking over to the control station to join the others.

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