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Overview of Return to Primeval's Eye:

After Lloyd and Harumi landed in Primeeval's eye, they were stuck with each other while trying to find a way out. During that time they reminisced about the past, and squabbled until the Crystal Council found Harumi, and Nya and Wu arrived with the Bounty to rescue him. Lloyd informed his master and sister of the Overlord, and in turn, Wu realised they were in trouble.

3rd person POV:

"We are not ready for this."

The four Ninja looked to each other, not understanding what their master was talking about. "What do you mean we're not ready?" Kai asked, but Wu dismissed him. "I need you four to head to east Ninjago, now! We haven't got a moment to lose." "Wait! What's going on?!" Jay shouted as he and the others powered up their vehicles and drove off.

"It's hard to explain. Just get to East Ninjago, you can't miss it. It's obvious." Wu told his students before going silent. "What are we looking for?" Aly urgently asked him, but he didn't respond. "Master Wu? Master Wu, do you copy?!" She shouted, but he'd cut communication.

East Ninjago:

The Crystal Temple:

Up on the Crystal temple, Harumi was looking out at the rice field's bellow. She had a lot to think about; her time with Lloyd earlier that day, and even Aly. Harumi rethought what she said about her a few days ago; how she wanted to kill Aly herself. But now, she wasn't so sure.

Did she really want all this to happen?

The Overlord stood from his throne, and floated over to the girl, hovering beside her. "So, the ninja yet live. And now the Green Ninja has escaped." "Forgive me, my lord." Harumi sighed, trying to stay professional in front of him. "You should have destroyed him when you had the chance. But I see now, that you still have feelings for him." The Overlord spoke, which immediately offended Harumi.

"That's not true! I hate-" "SILENCE!" He quickly silenced her, knowing full well that she still had feelings for Lloyd. Harumi turned away, somewhat frightened. "Nevertheless, this presents an opportunity." The being went on, making the girl nervously look up at him.

"I was trying to destroy the ninja, but that would only unleash their powers, which, in time, might find new champions. But if I corrupted them instead, then the very powers of creation would be mine!"

"Then I must find a way to bring the Ninja to you." Harumi noted, thinking that was what he was asking of her. But it wasn't. "No. I will handle that." He told her, confusing her. "How?" "I will strike at their precious city. They will do what they always do. They will come to me."

The Crystal Temple floated over the land, and eventually came to a stop over a village. The villagers inside were shocked and frightened at the mass of land in the sky. But then, the Ninja arrived.

"So, what exactly are we looking for?" Aly asked, looking around, not seeing much. "I don't know. Master Wu didn't give us much of a description." Kai responded, also looking out. "Sure he did. He said we couldn't miss it. He said it would be obvious." Jay corrected him, which was somewhat true.

"Right, but obvious to him might not" Cole's gaze drifted upwards, and he spotted the Crystal Temple in the sky. He quickly slammed on his breaks, making the others come to a harsh stop. "Cole!" Kai shouted. "Yeah, what's...the..." Jay was spared from his sentence when he too spotted the temple, and it wasn't long before Kai and Aly did as well.

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