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Aly's POV:

We had spent the past few days cleaning up our home. We hadn't realised how long we were gone for until we assessed how bad it was.

No one enjoyed doing chores, but we all agreed that if we all pitched in, it would be done in no time.

Whenever we had spare time, Zane and I would try spending time together, so we could go back to what we enjoyed again. But some things would have to be avoided and or changed due to what happened.

But they weren't too drastic.

I was going around the Monastery in search of dirty laundry when I opened the door to the living room to collect the dirty blankets.

But I also found someone slacking off, eating chips on the couch while having his eyes glued to the TV. "Cole, what are you doing?"

"Today's my day off. So, I'm playing videogames." He sighed, sinking into the couch with Wu's chicken beside him.

"Just because it's your day off, doesn't mean you can't help. At least a little." I told him, picking up the blankets from their storage bin, and adding them to the tall and heavy laundry basket.

"Besides we've been gone for weeks, and the Monastery's a mess. We all agreed to help out so it would get done." I reminded him of what we said, but he dismissed it.

"What else needs doing anyway? I thought it was all done?" Cole wondered, still with his eyes glued to the TV.

"Well for starters; look at the floor. It's covered in boxes and bottles. The courtyard in filled with leaves, we need more firewood, the sentry cannons outside the wall are busted and I need to finish everyone's laundry." I explained, but Cole just sighed.

"That sounds like a lot." Cole looked over to me and smiled. "Sure you don't wanna play?"

Is he serious right now?

"Cole, how do you not understand that we have a ton of work to do? I don't have time for games." I told him, just as someone came up behind me.

"What's going on in here?" Lloyd poked his head inside the room, and glance at Cole then the TV.

"Come on, Cole. We all agreed that..." Lloyd looked back to the TV and raised an eyebrow. "Hold on, what are you playing?"

"Prime Empire." Cole bluntly told him. "Are you serious?" Lloyd looked at him with a stern expression. "Serious about what?" Cole asked, looking over to him.

"Oh, not much. Except we were just stuck inside that game and got cubed!" Lloyd shouted, but Cole just stared blankly at us along with the chicken.

"I'll let you handle this, Lloyd. This laundry won't clean itself." I sighed, walking out the room, leaving the Green Ninja to scold his brother.

I made my way down to the laundry room, and loaded in the washing. I set them off, and returned upstairs.

I walked past the games room, and found that Lloyd had given in to the temptation, and started to play with Cole.

I just let them play, and instead, I went to sort out the fire wood. But before I left the Monastery, I walked past Master Wu. "Good morning Master."

He didn't respond. He just walked straight past me and entered the library, closing the door behind him.

"What was that all about?" Jay muttered, coming up behind me with Nya. "I don't know. Maybe we should tell Lloyd." Nya suggested. "We could, but he's a little busy with video games right now." I told them.

The Split Element- Book 1 (Ninjago: Zane X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now