The Temple of Madness...

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3rd Person POV:

Jay, Nya and Aly were the last Ninjas standing, as it was now up to them so rescue everyone.

Aly wasn't doing too good after the boss battle, so Nya helped her out of the temple. They were hoping that they were close to the end, so they push onwards to Unagami. But when they left the temple, they were greeted with two moving paths which were covered in spinning blades.

"Both paths lead straight into spinning blades." Nya pointed out, but Jay seemed to notice something off about a few of them. "Look up there. See it?" "See what?" Aly asked, looking over to where Jay was pointing.

"There was a thing, for a second! There's another!" Jay pointed out that the blades were glitching periodically. "It's like the game has a glitch."

"Back on Dyer Island, we learned this was Dyer's very first adventure game, but it was never released because of problems." Nya reminded them, as Jay brought up a good piece of information. "Video game obstacles are usually on a timed loop."

"So if we get the timings right, we can make it to the other side." Aly added. "But the glitches are unpredictable, and we can't get past them safely." Jay told the girls.

"Then I guess we have to improvise." Nya sighed. "Just like dancing!" Jay gasped. The two turned to Aly, making sure she was up for it. "Aly, are you gonna be okay?" Nya asked her.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." She told them, and they nodded. "Then let's do this." Jay finished, leading the girls onto the moving paths.

The three Ninja readied themselves as the first set of blades approached.

"One, two, three, step!" Jay called out the timings, and they made it past the first blade.

"One, two, three, jump!" They jumped over the next one, making over safely.

"One, two, three, roll!" They rolled through one of the blades, but then Jay noticed a glitch up ahead. "Other track, now!"

They jumped to the other track, but Jay lost his footing and fell.

Luckily, Aly managed to grab his hand. "It's another glitch!" Nya gasped, reaching down to grab Jay's other hand. The girls pulled him up and ran along the path.

"I think it's time we sped things up!" Aly called out, just as Jay led them to the other track, jumping over the last few blades and running over to the other side.

"Piece of cake." Jay laughed, soon drawing his attention to the large door ahead of him. "Okay, get ready, guys. Videogames usually increase in difficulty as you progress." "So whatever's on the other side of this door is going to be even worse." Nya added.

"I can't see how, but I guess we don't have a choice." Aly sighed as they burst through the doors, being quite perplexed by what they found.

The room they barged into seemed to be a restaurant, of which a waitress was at a bar in the corner. "Welcome."

"The Temple of Madness has a sushi restaurant?" Jay asked, not expecting that to be. "But, where are all the guests?" Nya wondered. "We've been expecting you." The waitress came over to the Ninja. "You have?" Aly asked. "Of course. Jay Walker, party of three. Right this way."

The waitress started to lead them to a small table in the corner, making Jay exited. "Oh, perfect, 'cause I'm starving!" "Oh, me too." Aly sighed, really wanting something to eat. "Guys! It's a trap!" Nya tried stopping them from rushing off, but Jay was being persistent about it.

"No, it isn't." Jay told her. "Lots of games have areas like this, where you can recharge or power-up before you have to take on the boss." He explained, turning to a plate of sushi and eating some.

The Split Element- Book 1 (Ninjago: Zane X Oc)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora