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The Skull Sorcerer:

Back in Shintaro Vania contemplated to her dragon, Chompy about whether or not to go after Cole. 

(Chompy is a Sinatran Ridgeback, a special breed of dragon which can rapidly grow in size when needed). 

Vania ended up going into the caves to find Cole. He, however, had lost his way and his mind in the caves. He regretted walking away from Aly, and knew he needed her help.

But luckily, Vania showed up just in time to rescue him. The two travelled back to Shintaro where they told Wu about the Ninja. The four of them went to confront the King about the Skull Sorcerer, but he revealed that he was in fact the one causing all the trouble. 

He showed them the skull of Hazza D'Ur, and why he had been forcing the creatures to mine in the dungeons.

He ended up sending Wu and Cole deep into the mountain, forbidding Vania to go after them.

But she disobeyed her father, and flew after them.

The Real Fall:

Wu, Vania and Cole were sent falling to the deepest parts of the mountain. They struggled to reach each other for a while, but they ended up landing in a large spider web, where very large spiders attacked Cole, almost eating him.

They managed to escape that and were sent down a large stream. The trio soon became stranded when Cole used his powers to uncover a safe passage through. On the other side, they met three explores and a giant spider, who called themselves, The Lowly.

Dungeon Party:

The three explorers introduced themselves:

There was Plundar, a young thief who trusted his dice and wit. He always wore a hood with straps across his chest.

Korgran, a large man from a far land known as Metalonia. He wore a spiked necklace and a single horned head piece, he often spoke in third person. He also had an axe, which he believed talked, but it didn't really.

Fungus, a sorcerer which a faded white cloak and wizard hat. He was a master with tricks and all kinds of spells.

And then there was Adam, Plundar's pet Spider. He was very large, but quite harmless and helpful.

The adventurers told Cole, Vania and Wu their tale of how King Vangelis banished them after retrieving the skull of Hazza D'Ur for him. They didn't understand the King's intensions, but it was a mistake that cost them everything.

Cole returned this by bravely telling what was on his mind. He told them about his trouble with Aly, and how he'd been feeling about all of it. 

Wu was new to the information, and wasn't sure what to say. But the Lowly informed Cole that everything would be okay, and that someone else could possibly fill the girls place.

Cole didn't like that thought, but he sort of understood that it would eventually come to that.

Dungeon Crawl:

The now large group followed Cole into the mountain, trying to find a possible way out. But while they walked, Cole remembered his mother, and the promise he made to her.

He promised that he would always stand up to those who were cruel and unjust. He had been standing by those words ever since he was a little boy, and now, they were on his mind again.

The heroes re-named themselves "The Upply", to show that they were now heading up. But on their way they ran into various obstacles, like water sources and a large magma monster.

They managed to pass it, and focus on traveling back to the surface.


The Split Element- Book 1 (Ninjago: Zane X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now