A Fragile Hope...

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Aly's POV:

"Zane?" Lloyd gasped, looking up at the emperor. I'm not sure why it had taken me this long to realise it, but it made so much sense. But what didn't make sense, was why.

Was this what Zane was really like.

A monster?

He couldn't be.

He's the kindest, sweetest person I've ever met.

But that made me think; was he just hiding this truth from me, to try and get with me, only to betray it?


It couldn't be.

It wouldn't be.

But that thought lingered in my mind.

And it scared me.

"I...I don't understand. How is this possible?" Lloyd quickly stood up and turned to me. I didn't know what to tell him. "What did you call me?" Zane wondered , seemingly quite angry.

"Zane. Your name is Zane. Don't you remember?" Lloyd took a few steps closer to him, but the guards quickly stopped him. "Step back. You are addressing the Ice Emperor." Vex spoke up, eyeing me.

"I came here for you and Aly, Zane. I came to bring you guys home." Lloyd told him, gesturing to me. But he still wouldn't listen. "This, is our home." Zane insisted, but Lloyd wasn't going to have that.

"No. Ninjago is your home!" He shouted, confusing the Emperor.


"Think, Zane. Try to remember. We were all together. We were fighting Aspheera, and...and she banished you and Aly with her staff. Aly tried to save you!" Lloyd told him, trying to push past the guards.

"Don't listen to him. He lies." Vex spoke up, trying to keep Zane as the Emperor.

"It's the truth! Zane, you have to remember something. Or someone. Master Wu, or Jay, or...or...Kai?" Lloyd kept trying to get to him, while hoping he would remember.

But I knew he wouldn't.


"Kai. Remember when I threw his reds in with your whites and all your clothes turned pink? And you had to dress up as the Pink Ninja? Remember?" I could tell Lloyd was getting desperate.

"No." Zane bluntly stated.

The team managed to save me, so he must thing Zane would be the same.

But, he was the cause of all this.

"Lloyd, he won't remember. Trust me. I've tried. For too long, I've tried to get him to remember. But-" I shouted at him, feeling small tears form again.

"You see? He has even confused the Empress. He must be punished, my Lord." Vex shouted, making Zane raise an eyebrow.

"Bring her to me."

Two Ice Samurai came up to me, and escorted me to the Emperor.

"No, Aly!" I could tell Lloyd was panicked.

He understood that I was controlled by The Emperor before, and he didn't want it to happen again.

I was taken to Zane's side, where he looked at me suspiciously.

I could tell he was angry, and it was due to the scroll.

Since it broke, I think its negative power on him increased, which wasn't good.

"You were holding the scroll of Forbidden Spinjitzu when it happened." Lloyd spoke up, making Zane turn his head back to him. "It...it must have corrupted you somehow. Like it did to Aly, only less." Lloyd paused for a moment.

The Split Element- Book 1 (Ninjago: Zane X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now