Darkness Within...

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3rd Person POV:

The Crystal Temple:

In the Crystal Temple, Lloyd was gradually waking up, and once he had, he quickly realised he was hanging from something. "What?" He gasped, realising he was wrapped in chains hanging from the ceiling. He tried to free himself, but it was no use.

"Enjoying the view?" Harumi spoke up, walking over with the rest of the council behind her, wielding the golden weapons. All of them. "Weapons of Spinjitzu." Lloyd once again tried to get out of his chains. "How did you get those?" He demanded as Harumi walked up to him. "Settle down, Lloyd. We have a long day ahead of us and we wouldn't want you wasting your strength." Harumi smiled, lifting Lloyd's head only to let him go again.

"We got them from the monastery. Where else?" She spun him around, about to walk away when Lloyd had more to say. "Master Wu would never hand them over without a-" "A fight?" She interrupted him, smirking. "Oh yes. And what a fight it was. But in the end, your friends failed. They're gone now, like the other ninja."

Lloyd was struggling to believe what she was saying; his uncle, sister and friends were strong. They couldn't go down. "No. You're bluffing!" "I don't bluff, Lloyd. You should know that about me by now." Harumi told him, walking up to Aspheera, gesturing to the fans. The Serpent handed them over, allowing the girl to see them. "You're lying. YOU'RE LYING!!" Lloyd screamed, thrashing his chains in an attempt to get out.

"How does it feel, to have no one left?" Harumi started, pacing around Lloyd. "I know that feeling well. I went through the same thing after the Great Devourer took away everything I had in this world." The boy started hyperventilating, the realisation of everything now sinking in.

"After I lost my parents, I felt so alone. Now it's your turn to feel that grief. You can let it overwhelm and destroy you, or you can let it harden and strengthen you, as it did me." Harumi finished, once again offering Lloyd a place on the council.

"You're the reason I'm alone. You're the one who did this!" Lloyd shouted. "Which makes you no better than the Great Devourer. And you're gonna pay, Harumi, I swear! I will make you pay!" His voice quivered, but Harumi just smiled and shook her head. "Ooh, there's that darkness again. Just like your father."

Lloyd took deep breaths, trying to calm himself down so he didn't lash out again. "You're wrong. I am nothing like my father." "Mm, perhaps not. Perhaps I underestimated you." Harumi admitted, sighing. She turned away before spinning Lloyd around. "I have a ritual to prepare. It is time for the coming of the Crystal King."

Mr. F walked up to her, looking down at the fans. Harumi smiled, and handed them to him. "Keep them safe. We'll need them for the ritual." Mr. F nodded, soon following the rest of the council.

Aly's POV:

The Collapsed Subway Tunnel:

Once Zane pushed us all beneath the train car, we braced in case it would collapse on top of us. But somehow, it didn't. Kai managed to bring his hand up and create a fire so we could actually see. I noticed Zane looking over at me, worried.

"Zane, please tell me your communicator still works." Jay spoke up, making Zane look at his hand. But before he could try using the communicator, it started sparking. "Unfortunately, no." He sighed, disconnecting it from his power source. "Couldn't this get any worse?" Cole huffed and I quickly hit him. "Hey!"

"Don't ask that question!" Kai shouted, saying what I couldn't. "Every time someone asks: can this get worse?, It always gets worse!" He added, just as a rat ran between us. "Aah! Shoo! Shoo. Told you so!" Kai quickly waved his flaming hand around, making the rat scurry off. "I hate rats!" Jay shouted.

The Split Element- Book 1 (Ninjago: Zane X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now