The Monastery...

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Aly's POV:

After the people of Ninjago thanked us for saving the city, we continued to work on the palace until nightfall; cleaning up halls and getting rid of the last pieces of debris. Soon, Lloyd decided to visit Master Wu and Firstbourne on the roof, to discuss something important.

The rest of us had a wonderful dinner, and soon sat on a balcony, watching the colourful fireworks shoot from the city. The golds, greens and oranges covered the dark sky with light and celebration. It was nice to feel like you actually made a difference for once.

It was amazing.

The six of us stayed up and chatted for hours, but one by one, the boys left for bed, leaving Nya and I watching the fireworks and the shining stars. "You should be proud of yourself." Nya spoke up, not taking her eyes off the sky. "You've come a long way, and look at what you've helped accomplish."

I sighed, looking out at the city. "Yeah, it is nice." I smiled. But then Nya chuckled to herself. "It'll be nice having another girl on the team to talk to." "Is it really that bad being in a group of boys?" I asked, trying not to laugh. "Oh, you don't know the half of it." Nya responded, giving into my laughter.

We soon looked up at the fireworks again, and I found myself smiling, thinking of Zane. "What?" Nya suspiciously asked, raising an eyebrow. "What what?" I responded, trying to stay calm. "I remember that look." Nya looked at my expression closely, staying quiet and making me nervous.

"What happened?" Nya asked, still smirking. I pushed her away from me, giggling. "Nothing..." I told her, but she could see through me. "Okay, fine." I sighed. "I, kinda like Zane."

She immediately wore a huge smile. "Ah, Ha! You admit it!" "Stop." I chuckled. "But is it that much of a big deal?" "No, no, it's not, don't worry." She reassured me. "Zane's really sweet and kind. And, uh, you didn't hear this from me, but..." Nya leaned over, cupping her hand next to my ear.

"I heard Pixal broke up with Zane."

"What?" I gasped, shooting my head towards her. "Yeah, she told me. I now know why Zane seemed so down after it happened. I'm just surprised he didn't tell anyone." She admitted, but that worried me. I mean, it made total sense why he was acting strange in the First Realm, and I get why he wasn't open to telling me.

 But they seemed very happy together, almost inseparable.

So what happened?

I tried to think of why, but I couldn't come up with a reason. "But hey, maybe you have a chance." Nya lightly punched my shoulder. I smiled, looking at the sky again.

"Yeah, maybe."

We sat there for a little while longer, until Lloyd came around. "Hey, you two. Enjoying the fireworks?" He asked, and we nodded. "Good." Lloyd sighed. "I'm gonna head off to bed, so I'll see you guys in the morning."

"Goodnight, Lloyd." Nya and I said simultaneously.

"Maybe we should head in too, it's getting late." I suggested, standing up. "You're right." Nya responded, soon following me out to the hall. "Night, Nya." I called out to her. "Night, Aly." She responded, walking into her room as I did with mine.

I got changed, and climbed into bed. But before I could fall asleep, the dream I had in the First-Realm came back to me, almost taunting me.

The creature I saw still puzzled me, since I had never seen or heard about anything like it.

I tried to forget about it, soon managing to fall asleep.

Three Months Later:

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