Sweatin to the Goldies...

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Aly's POV:

Zane and I had been invited to the Premier of Clutch Powers' new movie. I had no clue why he would make a movie which consisted of him singing for three hours straight, but it did give Zane and I the opportunity to spend some time together, since that had been a struggle recently.

Master Wu had given the two of us new Gi's to wear for the occasion. They were completely gold and showed our symbols on the backs. But beneath the golden parts was an under layer. Mine was white and purple, with small blue diamonds. But Zane on the other hand, didn't have one, so his chest was exposed. And I was not about to complain.

We had just finished watching the movie, and it wasn't great. As I said before, it was just Clutch singing for three hours about his life. Zane and I were making our way out of the theatre when we were greeted by a red carpet and many reporters. Among them was Gale Gossip, who was being interrupted by Clutch himself.

"That was the worst movie I've ever seen."  I muttered. "I must agree." Zane sighed. "I-" He was quickly interrupted when cameras started flashing at us. The two of us froze for a second, not realising what was going on. When we did realise what was happening, we smiled and waved at the crowd, who continued to take pictures of us.

I started walking along the red carpet, still smiling and waving when Zane resumed his sentence. "Aly, I found this movie confusing. Why would Dr. Powers suddenly burst into song and dance? Illogical." He stated, and I sighed, still focusing on the crowd.

"They're called musical numbers. And most aren't as terrible as the ones we just went through." I explained, turning to Zane while grabbing his hand. I lifted his other hand in the air, and we formed a heart shape while the reporters continued to take pictures.

"That big one in the middle where Clutch kept spelling out his own name while singing it was the worst." I shuddered, remembering it. "Horrible! I wish I could just erase it from my head." I let Zane go and continued walking and waving.

"He kept singing to his own biceps! Why?" He asked while I started striking poses for the cameras. "As a Nindroid, such behaviour makes no sense to me." "Oh, Zane. It's not just a Nindroid problem." I reassured him, but he still looked confused. "They make no sense to anyone. In real life, there is no way anyone could sing and dance their way out of a death trap."

I grabbed his hand again, and spun him around. Before he could fall over, I grabbed him by the hand and waist, and dipped him over while more pictures were being taken.

Zane looked up at me with a somewhat dreamy look on his face, making me giggle. But he quickly shook it off. "Could we return to the Monastery now?" He asked, not wanting to be here. "In a little bit." I told him, and he still didn't look happy. "We still have the after party to go to. But we don't have to stay long, I promise." I helped him back up, still holding his hand.

We were about to head to the after party when stopped and put on his hood. "What's wrong?" I asked. "There's been a break-in at the museum." He informed me, and I sighed, flipping up my own hood. "I guess the free appetizers are gonna have to wait. Hey, Zane? One more for the fans!"

The two of us started striking poses together while the reporters took our pictures.

Once that was done we rushed to the museum, bursting through the door. "Surrender, thief!" I called out, just as a woman poked her head out from the balcony above us. She was wearing a bright blue sparkly outfit, which matched her mask. Her entire outfit was casting light throughout the room, making her easy to spot.

"Please, just surrender. We're trying to have a fun night and we really need to make it to a party." I huffed, soon realising I didn't know who this woman was. "Who are you?" I asked. "Call me ... Reflectra! And I've got a party for you..."

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