Accepting The Past...

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3rd Person POV:

The Samurai X Cave:

The others watched as Aly walked up the stairs and out of sight from the Samurai X Cave. She was hurting, and they could all tell. How could they not? She panicked at the sudden mention of Harumi, and shouted at Kai when he tried to find hope in this.

Aly just needed time to herself, so the others gave it to her.

When she left the cave, and made it out on the sand, she started pacing; holding her head in her hands, trying desperately to hold herself together and stay calm. But she couldn't. No matter how hard she tried.

Aly couldn't do this anymore. She saw Harumi dead, with her own eyes. It triggered her true potential. Aly thought she was free from Harumi, but she wasn't. She hadn't been, through everything she went through after that.

It all felt like lies.

A false sense of security.

Everything kept playing on loop in her head. Everything she went through with Harumi; their childhood, how Harumi tricked her into starting the sons of Garmadon, everything she did there, all the people she hurt, how she almost died on multiple occasions.

Then something that Kai said before came back to Aly, about how Harumi had been shadowing them. It was all making sense. But Aly completely lost it once she realised it was Harumi who came to her at Kryptarium.

She was the ringleader to the council, serving the Crystal King. She recruited them, and tried to recruit Aly. Why else would she have the Oni Mask of Greed? She realised two things: Either Harumi wanted Aly back so she could manipulate her again and control her, or she just wanted to kill her.

And both options were too much.

It was all too much.

And, eventually, Aly couldn't take it anymore.

She screamed, letting it all out. She lost control of her powers as well, and shot out a huge wave of ice which started coating the area around her in ice.

When Aly realised what she'd done, she didn't care. She didn't care at all. She was angry and upset, and continued to let it out. She kept screaming and yelling while blindly throwing her powers, creating huge and quite frankly dangerous spikes and formations of ice that could've caused serious harm to anyone who had gone out there with her.

In the Samurai X cave, the team were trying to assemble an old Mech Nya had created. But while they worked, Zane felt off, and he knew exactly why. He looked down at his hands, knowing Aly was using her powers quite dangerously.

"Zane? Everything okay?" Skylor asked him, making his head perk up. "Oh, umm. Well, no, not exactly." He admitted, knowing he couldn't hide it. "It's Aly, isn't it?" Nya added, making the Nindroid nod. "She is angry, and upset. And she is using her powers in a way not helping her." He sighed.

"Really? You can tell all that without her even being here?" Skylor wondered, once again earning a nod. "There's a lot of things they can do actually. All from having a split element." Nya faintly smiled, but it quickly faded. "Granted not everything is good. Or has been for that matter."

Around five minutes later, Aly had physically worn herself out. She sank to her knees before feeling tears started to prick her eyes. "Why couldn't you just stay dead?" Aly mumbled as she started to cry. "That's all you had to do. Is that really too much to fucking ask?" She asked, closing her eyes while holding her head up to the sky.

The Split Element- Book 1 (Ninjago: Zane X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now