Let's Dance...

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Aly's POV:

We anxiously waited for Lloyd to return.

The portal was closing, and if he didn't make it out he'd be lost.

But thankfully, he jumped through just as It closed off. "Lloyd." Master Wu came up to him, and they shared a hug. "You all are freezing. Come, let's get you warmed up." Wu stated, letting go of Lloyd and guiding us inside.

We all changed into some warm clothes, and piled into living room where Kai lit the small fire place. "Kai, you're powers are back." I gasped. "Yeah. They did in the coolest way too." He smirked, sinking into the couch.

"He's right. For once." Nya giggled, ruffling up his hair. "Hey!" Kai quickly fixed it again before continuing. "They shot out and resembled a dragon as it took down the giant ice dragon." "You mean Boreal?" Zane spoke up as Jay started examining his leg.

"That thing had a name?" Cole gasped, and Kai cringed. "I'm...sorry?" "Don't be. That thing was a pain to take care of." I laughed, but it soon faded once Jay spoke up. "Uh, this is pretty bad. We're gonna have to go to the workshop."

"Do you know how long it will take?" Zane asked as he cautiously stood up. "From what I can see. A day at most. But there might be more that needs fixing." He told him, making the Nindroid think. "Alright then. Goodbye my friends."

"Bye Zane." The others responded as the two walked down to the workshop.

After they left, I didn't feel right again.

I was just so overwhelmed with all these sudden changes that I couldn't think straight.

"Aly, are you sure you're okay?" Lloyd came down, and sat beside me, looking concerned. "I told you, I'm fine." I said to him with a smile, but he wasn't buying it. "Aly, we've known you long enough now that we know when you're not feeling the best. We want to help you." Nya told me, making the others nod.

"That's the thing; I don't know what can help." I sighed. "Well, we can try different things if you want, somethings bound to cheer you up." Nya smiled, making the others agree. "Thank you, but. I just need to think." I stood up, and left the room to go to my own.

I passed the workshop, and I overheard Jay telling Zane he sustained a lot of damage; be it broken parts, frostbitten wires and a few down systems. It could take days to fix, and the best way to do so was to temporarily shut him down.

I think he allowed it because a few seconds later, I heard a heartrate monitor start up, and some tools being taken out.

I left the door, and continued to walk to my room. Upon opening the door, it was just as I had left it; my books were out on my desk and clothes were all piled up in a corner.

I smiled, and started to put everything away.

Once it was all clear, I sighed and walked to my window. The sun was close to setting, and the sky was showing its colours through the clouds.

I always loved watching the sky, it was so calming.

My eyes were focusing on a small flock of birds, when I noticed something behind me through the refection in my window. It seemed to have dark hair, so I assumed it was Cole.

"Cole?....AHHH-!" Whoever it was pushed me against the window, and covered my mouth.

"Shhh, not so loud."

He shushed me, and looked to the door.

I had about a thousand questions but, the guy seemed strange.

He had dark black hair with a single streak of green on the left side. His clothes look old and scraggily, while his eyes shone a faint dark green. But the most alarming fact was that his skin looked green, and somewhat see-through.

The Split Element- Book 1 (Ninjago: Zane X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now