The Turn of the Tide...

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3RD Person POV:

Nya propelled herself in the air while Wojira charged her attack. Lightning started striking the area around her as Nya came charging down, throwing blast after blast at Kalmaar.

She managed to knock him back before landing on the serpents nose, clearly pissed. Kalmaar growled, launching an attack at her with his trident, but Nya, in her new form was able to flow right past it. She stopped behind Kalmaar, and hit him in the back with a water blast, sending him back.

The King stood back up, looking at the new Nya. "You have become one with the ocean! Like that Nyad. A foolish sacrifice!..." Kalmaar spat, charging up his trident and blasting Nya. But it didn't harm her. "...For it will gain you nothing!"

Kalmaar kept shooting her, but his blasts went straight through her, allowing her to gain the upper hand. She angrily walked over to him while he kept throwing blasts. "You cannot hope to defeat me and Wojira!" Nya jumped up and kicked Kalmaar in the face, throwing him back.

Just then, the others were able to catch up with her. They ran along a building and stopped at the edge where Wojira was just a few meters away.

Nya had Kalmaar where she wanted him, and was ready to finish him off.

But someone unknowingly stood in the way. "Nya!"

Nya stopped what she was doing, and turned to the sound of his voice. "Jay."

The boy smiled at her, but soon noticed the danger she was in. Kalmaar was able to get back up, and he welded his trident once more, but decided to try a different approach to his attack.

"Nya, look out!" Jay screamed, but it was too late.

Kalmaar directed a solid stream of energy, hitting Nya. It didn't go through her like the others did, instead it disintegrated her. "No!"

The King chuckled to himself before standing right over the wave amulet again. "Destroy the ninja!" He ordered while striking Wojira. The serpent let out a cry and blasted the Ninja, knocking them down.

Jay and Wu were hit head-on, and the boy's weapon fell into the ocean. He looked beside him, spotting Wu's staff. Without thinking twice, he grabbed it and started running. "Jay, wait!" Wu shouted, but Jay ignored him.

Fuelled with rage, Jay charged towards Wojira while Lightning surrounded his body. He jumped up to the serpent, hitting Kalmaar quickly. The boy kept throwing attack after attack, but with a staff and only rage, Jay was unable to stop him.

Kalmaar easily took advantage of Jay's emotions, and threw him aside. "A foolish attack! Your emotions blind you." He shouted as Jay struggled to get up and regain his balance.

The others kept watch from the building, but it wasn't long before they were in trouble too. Hissing came from behind them, making Lloyd turn his head. He gasped at the sheer amount of Merlopians behind them. "We got company!" He called out, alerting the others.

"Attack!" Gripe shouting, making his men charge ahead.

"Ninja-" Lloyd started ,flipping up his hood.


Lloyd and Aly rushed ahead, using Spinjitzu to deal with the first lot of Villains. Kai and Zane started kicking them back, and using their weapons to assist them and knock them into the water. Pixal was able to acquire a trident, which she used to fight the Merlopians with their own weapon.

Lloyd circled back around, using his sword to deflect attacks and slam into a Merlopian. Cole started swinging his hammer, eventually knocking out several guards. He then threw his weapon, making it hit a large group of them over the edge. Wu managed to get his hands on a trident, and he used it to help his students as well as using Spinjitzu.

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