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3rd Person POV:

"It's time we finish this, Zane. Once and for all." Lloyd shouted with his hands charged with energy.

"My name, is not, Zane!" The Emperor barked, slamming his staff against the floor.

"Yes, it is. And you're gonna remember it, if I have to knock it into your thick Nindroid skull!" Lloyd spat back, walking closer to him.

"You know the emperor?" Akita shuddered.

"He's not an Emperor. He's my friend. Just like Aly. They're the ones I'm here to rescue. It's hard to explain, but I can't let you hurt him, Akita."

Lloyd stood in front of what used to be his friend, but this enraged Akita, sending her off the edge.

"My will is not yours to command!" She snapped, and broke free from the ice, about to charge Zane with her knife.

"Akita, No!" Lloyd quickly stepped in front of her, stopping her.

"This isn't the way! You're letting you anger control you!"

"Stand aside, Lloyd! Or fall with him!"

"I won't let you hurt Zane. He's my-" Lloyd was cut off by a sudden hit to his side.

The boy was thrown across the room hard, and he struggled to get back up.

"There is no Zane!"

Akita rushed back up to the Emperor in an effort to take him down again, but he easily overpowered her, throwing her back and sending an ice blast at her.

"No!" Lloyd quickly started to spin, and he came between the blast and the girl, protecting her.

Meanwhile, Aly, Grimfax and Kataru were still fighting downstairs.

Aly was becoming weaker the longer she used her powers for, but she had to endure, and fight on.

The three of them were about to run through another set of Samurai, when more came around the corner, blocking their path.

They tried to run the other way, but that path was quickly flooded by Vex and more Samurai.

"Well, well, well." Vex smirked, finally trapping the traitors.

All three of them looked to one another, and nodded.

They froze for a moment, before charging the Samurai with everything they had.

Grimfax hit a few samurai back with his sword, while Aly tried her best to Freeze them. But she was losing her battle, and Vex grabbed her, and held her back with a sharp piece of ice at her throat.

Kataru noticed this, and was about to grab her, but several chains quickly wrapped around his arms and legs. He tried to resist their hold, but he was quickly slammed to the floor.

Grimfax was the last one standing, but that was soon proven wrong when his axe was taken by a chain, and he was tackled to the ground.

"Lock these traitors in the dungeons." Vex slyly spoke, giving Aly to another Samurai. "And throw the animal in with them..."

A sudden banging was heard from downstairs, which set everyone off.

But it set Aly off the most.

She forcefully tore herself from the Samurai's hold, and ran towards the sound, not turning back.

"After her!" Vex commanded, quickly taking his army to the throne room.

Outside the castle:

The Split Element- Book 1 (Ninjago: Zane X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now