Ancient History...

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Aly's POV:

"We have to get it back, before it's too late." Lloyd told us, looking back to the others. "But how?" I questioned him, knowing we would fail if we tried to fight her again. Lloyd didn't say anything, he only started to push away the rubble blocking the door. "We will take her down. I am sure of it." Zane reassured me, leading us over to Lloyd.

The others lent a hand in clearing the doorway, until we had an easy passage through. "This way, come on!" Lloyd shouted, leading us out the room and into the museum lobby. We made it outside where Lloyd stopped dead in his tracks, mouth gaping at a giant serpent roaming the streets.

"What is that?" Jay gasped, watching this flaming monster slither downtown. "Whatever it is, we gotta stop it." Lloyd shouted, about to rush towards the beast. But Zane stopped him. "Wait, Lloyd."

Lloyd turned to face the Nindroid, listening to what he had to say. "Aspheera has beaten us twice, and with the scroll he is more powerful than ever." Zane told him, but Lloyd gave him a confused look. "We can't just give up." He protested.

"I am not proposing that. But Master Wu taught us to think before rushing into battle. We need to know more about her and this, Deceiver. Perhaps then, we will find a way to defeat her." Zane suggested, letting the rest of us think of something.

"You're talking ancient Serpentine history." Kai spoke up. "Who are we gonna ask, then?" I asked. "Unless, there's a group of Serpentine around that isn't currently trying to kill us." I nervously chuckled, knowing we'd need a different plan.

"There is. Scales lives under the city, right? What if we ask him for help?" Jay spoke up, calming my thoughts. "The serpentine don't usually get involved." Nya added. "Only one way to find out." Cole stated, ready to execute this plan.

"Okay, Jay, Cole and Kai, you guys track down Scales. Find out what you can." Lloyd told them. "Well, what are you gonna do?" Kai asked him, wanting to know what the other half of our team would be up too.

"We're gonna see if we can slow Aspheera down, and get that scroll back. Come on!" Lloyd ordered us, leading our small team down to the main road where we went our separate ways.

Lloyd led Zane, Nya and I downtown towards the monster, while Jay, Kai and Cole rushed towards a large sewer grate. They pried it open, and ducked out of sight.

"So, are we just going to try and slow her down? And hopefully grab the scroll?" I asked Lloyd, rushing behind him. "Yep. Simple and straightforward, we can do this!" He hyped us up, leading us down various streets while slowly catching up to Aspheera.

We kept running through flaming roads, watching people running from Pyro Vipers. We managed to defeat them, giving the citizens time to vacate the city. But some Vipers slipped from our reach, and rushed towards the large serpent.

"They must be headed for the south side of the city." Zane told us, watching the Vipers running away. "But why? There's nothing there." Nya objected as we jumped over crashed vehicles, continuing towards Aspheera.

"We must assume the Deceiver is there." Zane continued. "Zane, can you plot us a shortcut? So we can get ahead of her?" Lloyd asked him, and he nodded. "Cross-referencing alternate routes."

It took a moment, but Zane soon knew. "I have plotted the fastest route." He told us, taking the lead. "This way."

He quickly led us down an alleyway, and out onto an open road. Zane looked out onto the freeway, which was over a very large gap in the terrain. He quickly started to run towards the road, sliding down with the rest of us hurrying behind him.

"Jump!" He shouted, as we leapt off the side wall, and collapsed onto a moving bus along the busy road.

The bus continued forward, eventually giving us a clear view of Aspheera burning parts of our city with her giant serpent. "There she is." Lloyd pointed her out, while we travelled further down the road.

The Split Element- Book 1 (Ninjago: Zane X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now