Long Live the King...

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3rd Person POV:

Maya and Nya made it out of Wojira's Temple, but there were quickly discovered by Ripper Sharks, and were trying their best to out swim them.

"Move it, Mom!" Nya called out while navigating around green thermal vents. "I'm going as fast as I can!" Maya told her. "Well, they're going faster!" Nya shot back. "I hope they're not hungry!"

"These suits are metal. Don't they know metal tastes terrible?" Maya asked while dodging rocks and vents. "I don't think they care, Mom!" Nya yelled, guiding her mother while the sharks stayed on their tails.

The two kept swimming, but Maya got caught up in a vent, sending her off cores. Nya rushed over, and pulled her back on track. "I've got you, Mom."

Maya and Nya kept going, eventually making it out of the vents. But the sharks wouldn't give up. "They're too fast! We can't outswim them! This is their element!" Nya called out, dodging spikes as the Sharks quickly caught up.

"Water is your element too, dear. This far undersea, your powers are stronger than anywhere else." Mya reminded her daughter, just as two sharks rushed ahead of them. They began to charge, and knocked the girls. "I know you can do this."

They were surrounded, but Nya took what her mother said, and used it. Nya concentrated, and used her powers to create a strong jet of water which shot one of the sharks straight into a rock. Another shark came in for an attack, but Nya directed her powers towards it. The shark was forcefully hit with the stream, and shot across the ocean.

"See? It's working! Don't forget about the third one!" Maya called out, but Nya couldn't see it. "What third—" Nya was caught off guard when the last shark rammed into her back, pushing her and trying to eat her.

Nya managed to use her powers and shoot the shark straight into a rock, but it easily got back up. It looked back at Nya, and started charging towards her. "I can take him!" She called out, summoning her powers again.

But using water inside a mech didn't mix well, and it began to shut down. "Oh, no, no, no, no, no, don't shut down on me now!"

Nya braced for impact, but that's when the shark was blasted by something behind the girls.

The Master of water looked behind her, to find Jay and Zane swimming down. "Back off, fish sticks!" Jay called out, blasting the shark with his gun. "Jay!" Nya exclaimed as the two swam in front of the mechs.

Zane lined himself up with the shark, quickly summoning his powers. He quickly directed his attack at the shark, and in one swift shot, froze it solid. The two boys looked back at the girls with smiles. "Impeccable timing, boys!" Maya congratulated them.

"It is good to see that you are safe." Zane spoke up with bubbles coming from his mouth. "But we must get back to the Hydro Bounty." He and Jay started swimming back to the bounty as Aly opened the hanger bay.

The mechs were set back inside, and everyone made their way back to the bridge. "Welcome back." Aly smiled, just as Maya let out a sharp breath. "Thank goodness you all came along. I thought we were done for." "You said you knew I could save us!" Nya shot back, making Maya shyly smile. "Well, I didn't want to be a Gloomy Gus, heh..."

"Well the good thing is your back and-" Lloyd was cut off when an alarm started going off. "That is the proximity alarm." Zane spoke up, walking over to the radar to see something approaching. "It appears we have visitors."

Everyone looked to the front window to see Merlopians riding on the back of stingrays. "Trespassers, you have illegally entered the domain of King Trimaar, ruler of the Endless Sea and monarch of Merlopia. Come peacefully, or you will be fired upon." A Merlopian warned them, and the team assessed their current situation.

The Split Element- Book 1 (Ninjago: Zane X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now