The Start Of A Ninja...

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Aly's POV:

"Back where it all began..." Kai started, walking forward.

"The Realm of Oni and Dragons."

We all just stood there, processing everything.

We had been transported to a different Realm, right as a villain attempted to take Ninjago...This was bad. Both for us, and Ninjago itself.

I looked around us, and nothing had changed except the occasional dragon flying overhead. I'd never seen one before, and now that I had I realised they were much bigger than I had expected.

I turned back towards the bounty, taking in its state. Only half the ship seemed to be here, specifically the back of the ship. I figured it would be able to help us for now, but not for long.

"What do we do now?" I asked, turning to the boys again. "I'm...not sure." Cole sighed, picking up Wu who had found a stick. Jay looked around, and started heading towards the Bounty, picking up large pieces of broken wood. "Well, seeing as it's getting dark soon, and we presumably have no way out of here, I suggest we make do with what we have." He told us, gathering the pieces of wood.

The rest of us looked to each other; surprized Jay was the one to start us off. But we didn't complain about it, and instead followed what he was doing.

There was a section of the ship which was open, so we decided to use that as a start of a shelter. It wasn't great, but what did you except us to do.

After we sorted out where we would be sleeping, we started rummaging around the Bounty to see what supplies we could find. We managed to dig out quite a lot of food, which would keep us going for a week or so, as long as we rationed it out. We were unable to find water, but Zane told us that our environment was naturally hot during the day, so the two of us would be able to use our powers to gain water.

Once we had found out everything we needed, the sun had gone down. Kai set up a campfire for us, and we all sat around it while Zane finished up dinner. It wasn't the best food, but we would have to deal with it as long as we were out here.

"What are we gonna do?" Cole spoke up. We thought about it, and most of us didn't know. "We may have enough supplies on the Bounty to make a Communicator to radio back to Ninjago?" Zane suggested. "But I am unsure how long it would take to construct." "It could work, but will it be enough?" Kai wondered, looking down. "Hopefully." I sighed.

We stayed in silence again until the sound of rocks being clashed together caught our attention. We turned around to find Jay and Wu playing with rocks. "Jay, what are you doing?" Cole asked him, confused at what he was doing. "Playing with Wu, duh." Jay told us, not taking his eyes of what he was doing.

"How long are we going to last out here?" I wondered, staring into the glowing and flickering flames. "I do not know." Zane started. "But, we will most likely be stuck here for a awhile, given that we do not yet have a plan."

"Hey, Aly?" Cole spoke, looking over at me. "Yes?" I asked, and he bit his lip. "I know you won't like this. But say we encounter an Oni, or even a rouge Dragon. How long would you be able to hold up for?" He asked me, and I knew where this was heading, but I didn't want to say anything.

"What are you saying, Cole?" Kai wondered, making the boy sigh. "I'm saying that now might be the time for Aly to become one of us." He started, and I rolled my eyes. "We may not have any training equipment, but we know enough that we can at least try to train you."

"Cole, I told you, I can't." I protested, and he listened. But I could tell he wanted me to do this. "I know, but if we run into trouble, and you're not able to fight then..." He paused. "What's gonna happen?"

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