Kryptarium Prison Blues...

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Aly's POV:

The Next day:

This morning was, as I said before, the same as the others, with Kabuki Mask returning in two days now. And still, we hadn't decided whether I should say yes or no. Whenever we were locked in our cell, we would talk about what we'd do if I did go, but also what could happen if I went.

We still had two days, and we promised each other we would figure it out by then.

But besides that, at around mid-day, Dareth paid us a visit with Skylor. He looked happy, so we assumed he had good news for us.

"Okay, guys. I know things look grim, but don't worry. The ol' brown ninja's got your back. I've been doing tons of research." Dareth proudly told us, opening his suitcase to reveal lots of documents. "Great! What's the plan?" Lloyd asked him as Dareth opened a document. "We have to file for something called ...a...aha! A mistrial!" We were hopeful with that news.

"We have grounds for a mistrial?" Zane wondered. "What are they?" "The very real grounds that we don't like the judge's verdict." Dareth announced, making us all sigh. "I regret to inform you that is not grounds for a mistrial." Zane corrected him. "Huh? It isn't?" Dareth looked to Skylor, who wasn't impressed.

"Sorry to pile on the bad news, but something else happened." She started, and I didn't like where this was going. "That king you busted in Shintaro?" "Vangelis?" Jay asked. "The Skull Sorcerer?" Cole added, and Skylor gave a nod. "Yeah. Last night, someone or something sprang him from prison. He disappeared."

Lloyd and I immediately looked to each other, knowing. "The Crystal King." "Who?" Skylor asked. "Some weirdo in a kabuki mask visited Lloyd and Aly the other day, spouting a bunch of villain jabber." Kai explained, but not fully. "He said someone called the Crystal King is assembling our enemies against us." Lloyd continued. "To do what?" Skylor asked us. "Something about getting revenge on those who wronged them." I added. "But we don't know the full story yet."

"Which is why we need to find out what they're doing. Dareth you gotta get us out of here to investigate this." Lloyd insisted, making the man stand up and put away his documents. "I understand. You're relying on me and I won't let you down, that's a promise. I have one last strategy that just might work." He told us, just as a guard came up to us. "Time's up, Ninja."

"Don't worry, trust me. It's a tried-and-true tactic that's worked in similar situations." Dareth continued as we followed the guard out the room.

A short while later:

It wasn't long before it was time for lunch, and we all sat at a bench with our food. Only it really didn't look like food. "What is this food supposed to be?" Jay wondered, extremely disgusted. "I was gonna say oatmeal, but oatmeal isn't green." Cole sighed as he picked up a spoonful of...something.

"I told them I do not drink motor oil, but they still gave me this." Zane was holding a can of motor oil, and I could tell he was unimpressed. "Just leave it. You'll be fine." I told him as Lloyd pushed away his food. "I think I'd prefer the oil." "At least there's cake!" Cole exclaimed as he picked up a slice. He quickly bit into it, only for it to remain intact. "Ow! That hurt!" He exclaimed. "If you want to keep your teeth, don't eat the cake."

"Well, well. Lookie here."

A large white serpentine with purple marking and crimson red eyes slithered over, and took our attention. I recognised him, but I didn't know who he was.


"Who?" I asked. "He is the serpentine we fought before the attack of the Great Devourer." Zane explained, and I remembered exactly who he was. He's the reason half of Ninjago fell, and the reason I lost my parents that day. I held back my anger, knowing it wouldn't end well.

The Split Element- Book 1 (Ninjago: Zane X Oc)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang