The Mistake...

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A few months later:

Harumi's POV:

Ever since I was taken into the palace, I could finally work on an idea I'd had for months.

One which would avenge mine and Aly's parents.

News had spread that Garmadon had been sent to the Departed Realm. But that got me thinking, and doing research.

I had discovered a way to bring Garmadon back. The Garmadon that saved Ninjago City. People praised the Ninja for it, but they were the ones who caused all this. And I had had enough of their recent heroic acts which left people hurt or dead.

They had to be stopped.

My research allowed me to uncover a ritual which would allow me to bring Garmadon back. But the items needed were ancient, and hidden somewhere in the realm.

I knew I couldn't do it alone, and decided Aly would be the best person to help me, since we're practically sisters.

Aly's POV:

I had been working on building up my powers when Harumi called me.

"Hey, Rumi." I answered, setting aside the pile of snow and Ice on my desk. "Hey, Aly. Could I have some help with a little project of mine?" She asked. "Of course. What do you need help with your majesty?" I joked, making her chuckle. "I've decided to start an organisation called the Sons Of Garmadon, and I would love it if you could help me with it." She told me, but something didn't seem right.

"Wait what?" I asked. "I've done lot's of research and I've found a way to bring Garmadon back. And before you ask why I want to bring him back, it's because I feel like the Ninja don't protect the city as well as Garmadon could." I did somewhat agree with her, considering what happened to our parents. I knew the Ninja protected the city, but I did think they could do better at times. "I was going to start a club which could help us achieve it. I've called it; The Sons of Garmadon." She beamed, and I nodded. "Well, sounds good. I'd love to help." I responded.

"Great! And I could use it too." "So, what do you need me to do to help kick this off?" I asked. "Your dad has been teaching you how to build machines, right?" She wondered, and I confirmed it. "I would like you to build a machine for me. One that's human-like."

I stopped. "I'm a good builder, but not that good, Rumi." I told her. "I knew you'd say that. So I've found a set of blueprints that'll start you off." She told me, but I still wasn't too sure about it.

I sighed, and decided to go along with her idea. "Do you have the blueprints?" I asked her. "Unfortunately, I don't. But I know where it is." Rumi told me, and I sighed, standing up and throwing away the pieces of Ice on my desk. "Okay. Give me the location and I can grab them now."

Harumi sent me the coordinates, and I was surprised at the location. It was in the middle of a forest. "Are you sure this is the right place?" I asked. "Positive."

I went with what she gave me, and I headed out. But as I did, I spotted a letter on the doorstep. Curious, I picked it up and noticed a strange snake symbol on the front. "What..."

I was tempted to open it, and I walked back inside while closing the door. "Sorry, Rumi. Just give me a second..." I mumbled to myself, just before opening it.

At first glance it seemed like an ordinary letter, but as I started to look over it, it was an invitation.

One to a Tournament of Elements, hosted by Master Chen. I knew of the guy, well, he was the face of his noodle company so how couldn't I have heard of him. But the fact it was an invitation to something involving elemental powers, I started to freak out a bit.

No one should have known about my powers, and I'd kept it a close secret. No one knew...right?

Panicked, I set the letter down on the table, and turned back to the door, ready to resume my task. But I remembered something my mother had mentioned. About someone else having the same powers as me.

This letter would surely help me find them much easier, and I started to second think things. Would I be better off going and finding them, instead of helping Harumi? But...I was still just a kid who had barely used her powers, and this being a Tournament put me on edge.

I had no idea how to fight. And I could end up seriously hurt if there were indeed other's more skilled in their abilities.

Those notes alone were enough for me to stay away from it, that and I couldn't just abandon my best friend. So I looked away from the letter, and set off on my mission to retrieve the blueprints.

A little while later:

I'd been walking for a while now, and I ended up in a snow-covered Birchwood forest. I checked the address, and this seemed to be the place. I doubt Harumi would trick me, that's not something she would do. So I sighed and slumped down at the base of a tree, taking a rest.

But as soon as I made contact with the tree, it made a strange noise. I stood back up, pressing my hand against it. It was very cold, as if it weren't a tree at all.

I walked around it, soon finding a strange door-shaped gap in it. I cautiously wedged my fingers into the crack, and the tree opened, revealing a small workspace which was dug into the ground. "Okay, now this is strange." I sighed, looking down into the space. At the bottom was a set of blueprints lying in the middle of the floor.


I walked down to the main floor, and picked up the blueprints. They looked to be ones for a humanoid machine, which was exactly what Rumi wanted.

I folded up the blueprints, and left the workshop, heading back home. But on the way back, I decided to work on my Ice. I'd discovered that it was easiest to use them in the cold, so I took advantage of it and started creating small Ice blocks.

The more I focused, the bigger and stronger they became. I felt confident enough to make something different, and pictured a sword in my head. Once I had it, I used my powers to form an Ice Sword. It wasn't perfect, but at least I was progressing.

Once I arrived back home, I called Harumi and told her I'd found them. She was very excited and asked me if I could start right away. I was hesitant, since I saw how complicated it was. But I decided to start regardless. I told my father that I wanted to build something big, showing him the blueprints. He gasped, but seemed very excited to help.

So the two of us went to the workshop and started building the machine. Harumi had asked me to make a few modifications. They weren't too hard to add, so we added them while building Mr. E.

That's what Rumi decided to call him.

The building and coding process was very slow, but we managed to finish him within six months, which wasn't too bad. After he was completed, Harumi sent some clothing designs for him. They were mostly black with red details. They were different from the uniform the rest of our group would wear;

Black jackets with pink and blue accents and details.

But Harumi informed me that myself, Mr E and two other members would be wearing altered uniforms so we would stand out, which made much more sense.

Rumi was able to come over and take a look at him, and she was thoroughly impressed. "Have you powered him up yet?" She asked me. "No, not yet. I was going to wait until we needed him." I told her, and she nodded.

"Well, in that case we'll discuss the next step tomorrow." Rumi smiled, and I nodded. I put away the robot and headed up to bed.


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