The Keepers of the Amulet...

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Aly's POV:

We kept driving into the jungle, and we had found a clear path right through to it. We drove past a lot of things, but most were colourful bushed and trees.

We kept going until Lloyd became distracted and stopped our bike. The others parked up beside us, curious. "What's wrong?" Nya asked. "I thought I saw something up there. An animal." Lloyd told us. "We're in the jungle, Lloyd. I'm sure there's lots of animals." Jay responded. "Yeah. We've drove past a few already." I added, but Lloyd still seemed uneasy.

"Hey, did anyone bring a snack? I'm starving." Cole asked, clutching his stomach. "I did." Jay spoke up, making Cole exited. "Great!" "But it fell in the ocean." Jay sighed. "Oh, thanks for getting my hopes up." Cole huffed, sitting on top of the chopper.

We left that subject and returned to our previous one. "What kind of animals are there on this island, Twitchy?" Lloyd wondered, but the man started to shake again. "Uh, poisonous pythons, poisonous jaguars, poisonous frogs, poisonous eels, poisonous piranhas, poisonous birds!" He blurted out, but most of those weren't poisonous.

"Poisonous birds?" Nya questioned him. "Pretty much everything on this island is poisonous!" Twitchy told us, quickly looking over to Cole. "Especially those berries." We all shot our heads to Cole who was eating a handful of white berries. After what Twitchy said, he quickly spat them out.

I reached into the back seat of our bike and pulled out a water bottle. "Cole." He looked my way and I threw him the water. "Thanks!" Cole quickly opened it and started washing his mouth out. "Well, whatever is on this island, it won't stop us from finding my mom and Master Wu." Lloyd spoke up, sitting back down. "And Clutch Powers." Nya corrected him. "Huh? Oh yeah, right. And Clutch." Lloyd powered up out chopper again, and we sped deeper into the jungle.

We kept driving until we reached a clearing, but there was no way we could progress forward. "Let's leave the Jungle Choppers here. There's no way we're gonna drive through that." Lloyd stated, hopping out of the chopper and assessing the area. We all did the same and grouped up, just as something started growling.

"Ha, you weren't kidding. You really are hungry. I can hear your stomach growling from here." Kai smiled, looking over to Cole. "Uh, that wasn't my stomach." Cole corrected him, which made us immediately panic. "Then what was it?" I wondered, silently grabbing my fans in case it was something else.

Suddenly, the growling picked up again, this time louder. Twitchy started shaking and quickly curled up into a ball on the ground. "What are you doing?" Lloyd questioned him. "Assuming survival position!" He shouted, just as the trees above us started to rustle and shake, like something was surrounding us.

Then a coconut seemingly fell from the sky, and landed in front of Nya. That's when something large, green and feathery jumped from the cliffs above us, landing next to us while pinning Nya to the ground. "DRAGON!"

We all quickly took out our weapons and waited for the call. "Ninja-" Kai was about to sound it when Nya quickly interrupted him "No, wait!" The dragon let her go and backed up, nuzzling the coconut and wagging his feathery tail. "Look at him. I don't think he's dangerous." Nya suggested as the dragon nudged the coconut and flung it towards Cole, almost hitting him.

Cole's face quickly changed from scared to delight as soon as he saw the nut. "Is that a coconut?" He rushed over to grab it, but the dragon was faster and flicked it with his tail, hitting it towards the cliffs. "Aww." Cole huffed. The dragon zipped towards the nut, and caught it on his nose before dropping it at my feet. "I think he wants to play." Nya suggested as I picked up the nut.

"Oh, you wanna play?" I playfully asked the dragon, making him exited and wag his tail more. "Then fetch!" I kicked the nut in the air and before it came back down, I launched it across the clearing, and the dragon sped after it. 

The Split Element- Book 1 (Ninjago: Zane X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now