Wasted True Potential...

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Aly's POV:

When was the Oni attack?

Eh, who cares?

Life with the Ninja has been better than I ever could have imagined. I mean, after we cleaned up the monastery and the City, there was no crime to fight.

No bad guys, just...


Every day was amazing. We played games, hung out, even went to some of Ninjago's historical landmarks to look back on the legacy of our Realm.

The ninja told me their tales from their previous adventures. Like when the city was over-run with Nindroids and Ghosts where on the loose. It was hard to believe all this had happened to them, but I took their word for it.

After all, it's painted on the monastery's walls. Since the celebration of our legacy lasted for, roughly a week I think, Master Wu got us new uniforms to wear instead of our special ones.

Today was like any other day; the sun was shining and Cole was trying to beat Zane's high score again, for his 30th try. He kept failing and failing until I noticed the time.

9:00 am.

I was curious as to why Zane hadn't gotten up yet. "Aly? Could you go get Zane? I don't want him to miss this." Jay smiled, eyes glued to the TV. "I was just about to do that." I told him, getting off the beanbag and making my way to his room.

Life as Zane's girlfriend has been magical. We would go down to the pond every Wednesday and Saturday to talk, and just enjoy each other's company. It's amazing really. We've grown stronger as people, and elemental masters together. We have truly become one.

"Zane?" I knocked on his door, but there was no answer.

I knew it was rude to invade on his privacy, but he's normally the first person up in the monastery. I opened the door to find him still asleep in his bed, but he was flinching, as if he was having a bad dream.

I walked to his bedside, sitting beside him. I was about to hold his hand, in an effort to calm him, when he suddenly shot up, looking panicked. He noticed me and gasped.

"Aly! Oh, I just had a nightmare. Something terrible's going to happen." He jumped off his bed, and began pacing the room, shaking. "Hey, calm down. It's okay." I got up, and stood ahead of him, placing my hands on his arms. "What happened?"

He thought for a moment before answering, pacing again. "There was an evil serpent with a weapon, and it zapped me with it, and there was an ice castle, and-and a dragon, and..." He was struggling to find the words. "Zane." I sighed. "It was probably just a dream. Don't worry about it." I told him, trying to calm him down. "It was a vision." He insisted, but I wasn't sure if it was.

"Are you sure? I mean, you did just say it was a nightmare." I reminded him. "That is what I initially thought. But...it was real, very real." He told me. "Please believe me. I have had many visions before, all of which have come true."

I sighed once more; It all seemed ridiculous, but I could see how panicked he was, "Okay, I believe you." I took his hand, and looked him in the eye with a smile. "But Jay wants you in the Games room. Cole's trying to beat your high score again." I explained. "So, shall we go?"

He thought for a moment before nodding, and we made our way down to the games room, but when we arrived, the others started cheering.

"Aww man, you guys just missed it." Jay complained, turning to us. One look at the screen proved that Cole was the new lava zombie king. "Congratulations Cole. That is quite an achievement." Zane congratulated him, not phased that his high score was broken. "Thanks, buddy. No hard feelings?" Cole smiled nervously. "Of course not." Zane smiled back.

The Split Element- Book 1 (Ninjago: Zane X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now