Chapter 3 - The Oath

Start from the beginning

I gasped "you don't have to do that jeremy." I said captivated by his show of complete trust. "I know but I want to do this. Like I said I don't know why but I just know that I can trust you." He said and I smiled. "Like this is suppose to happen."I said taking his knife and cutting thru my open palm.His eyes grew bright as I took his hand in mine connecting both our cuts and mingling our blood."Are you sure you wanna do it?"

He asked me and I nodded.I felt like this was completely normal like this was what I was suppose to do.I had no idea what was to follow after this but I felt his trust and vulnerability with every bone in my body.I was sure he felt it too from the look he gave me his eyes shining brightly mirroing my own. It was time and I knew it, I felt it.

He carefully placed a box of promise cords on the table and opened it. He took out a pink cord and wrapped it around both our wrists. "For unity, honor, and truth." He said looking directly into my eyes. I took out a golden cord wraping it around both our wrists and above the pink cord. "For unity, longevity, prosperity, and strength." I said as he picked up a final silver cord. He carefully wrapped it around both our wrists and above the previous cords. "For protection and complete trust." He said sprinkling white rose petals over our tied hands.

We spoke in unision. "May this oath ring true thru time and space with the ancestors as our guides. Today I promise to uphold our friendship with trust, unity, protection, strenth, honor and truth." We looked into each others eyes and together with the ceremonial knife cut the cords that binded us. "You know what we have to do next." He said as he started a fire. We placed the cords and petals in a goblet and over the fire until they turned to ashes.

He then took the goblet and we both let a few drops of our blood mingle with the ashes. Our cuts had stopped bleeding almost completely. He took my hand and licked it making the wound heal instantly. I looked at him and took his. "If you do it I do it too." I said as I trailed my tounge on his cut. After that impromtu oath he placed the ashes in a tiny bag. "This was..." he trailed off and I smiled." Unique." I said finishing his thought.

"Ill take you home before your father comes searching for you." He said and I gasped looking down at my watch. *dam what time is it* I thought and he laughed when he saw my reaction at my watched glowing screen marking 8:30pm. "Don't worry. Hop on and well be there in no time." He said and I practiclly ran to his car. He got in and we strapped down before he took off to my house. Five minutes later we arrived.

The lights were on inside and I closed my eyes. "Lilly don't worry. Its not that late." He said rubbing my back. "Yea ok. Well see ya tomorrow." I said and walked to my house. My parents were watching tv and besides them. "Liz?" I said. "Lilly can we talk?" She asked me and I looked at my parents. "Go ahead but not past nine, ok?" My dad said. I nodded and I pulled liz up to my room.

Once we reached my room liz started speaking rapidly. "Liz calm down your speaking too fast." I said and she sat down. "Lilly we were gone for spring break a couple of weeks right?" She asked me and I nodded. "During which me and that dumb ass got intimate, remember?" She asked me again. "Yes I remember but..." I started saying but she cut me off. "Lilly I think I might be pregnant." She said happily while my eyes went wide in shock at the news

"Isn't this great!" She squealed and I shook my head. "Liz where fifteen and you have no idea of how to raise a pup." I said surprised at how excited she was at the prospect of motherhood. "Oh come on lilly! This means my dad will MAKE him mate me for the pups sake and he'll finally be mine!" She half yelled half squealed and I stood up. "Liz you can't be serious. We are fifteen!" I screamed softly trying to knock some sense into her.

"Why can't you just be happy for me?" Liz asked me and burst into tears. "Liz first of all you gotta make sure you are pregnant before know getting carried away with it." I said trying to comfort her some but nothing. "I guess..." she said trailing off. "See ya tomorrow lilly." She said and walked out the door leaving me alone. 'Dam it' I thought and got ready for bed. I took a quick shower and got in bed.

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