"What y'all brought this yesterday?" She nodded.

"Yeah cause you and Chuckie was taking to long and we brought some chicken nugget TV dinners." She looked confused. "We were high as fuck that shit never look so good so I just brought every one they had in the store." She opened the freezer snd it was stacked the fuck up with pizza rolls and TV dinners.

"Damn." I laughed.

"Yeah it wasn't such a good idea." I nodded. "I spent like six hundred dollars I brought a bottle of 1942." I laughed.

Yeah give me that fuck a Mamosa." She laughed and passed me the box and I opened it carefully.

"What are we doing today it's only Saturday." I shrugged and sipped the 1942 and i knew this was gone fuck me up. I tried to sip it again and somebody took it out my hand.

"Eat first." Chris rubbed his eyes and closed the bottle.

"Oop." She laughed and sipped her mamosa.

"What y'all want from Ihop?" He yawned.

"Pancakes and bacon!"

"Yeah pancakes, I don't eat pork so no bacon for me." He nodded and grabbed his keys.

"Come on." He grabbed my hand and we hopped in his car.
I looked at Bahia and she was cheesing and I just rolled my eyes laughing softly

He turned on some Giveon and a bitch couldnt help but sing and my non singing ass did not fraze him. He just laughed and smiled the whole and a bitch was singing her heart out.

My phone started ringing.


"Yeah where you go?" Haylee asked.

"Going to get food."

"Oh okay. Tell Chuckie that this girl is in here crying."

"Haylee said that girl is crying again." He kissed his teeth.

"That bitch is getting on my fucking nerves now like she gotta go. Bitch been crying all night." I put the phone on speaker.

"Your hype ass did it." Haylee laughed.

"I ain't know she lived with the nigga."

"Well I guess they made up now but they- shit I don't know." I chuckled. "Give the phone to Chuckie." I gave it to him and he took it off speaker.

Chris POV

"Wussup?" I turn on my signal.

"So do you like my cousins?" I laughed.

"This my twin fassure." She kissed her teeth.

I ain't falling into her little plot.

"So what I am hearing is yes?" I laughed and she waited for an answer. "Man fuck you." She hung up and I passed her phone back.

"Why she hung up?" I shrugged.

"She is crazy she gone say fuck me." She laughed and covered her mouth. "It's okay I ain't buying her breakfast."

"Yes you are." She put her hand on my shoulder and it trailed down my arm.

She trying seduce me. My dick got a tingle.

She grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers.

"Onika!" She stared making the beat with her mouth. " looking Trinidadian Japanese Indian got Malaysian got that Yacky that waving Brazilian you bitches thirsty Hungarian Nikki Eating diamond fangs barbarian."


"Why they pancake be hitting like this?" Haylee groaned. "The extra butter."

"Is you eating or having sex?" Rain laughed softly. "I am going out back." She looked at me and I nodded.

"I am coming." Bahia hopped up.

Rain POV

"So..." she drugged and I looked at her.

"What?" I ate a piece of my pancake.

"Do you like him?" I laughed.

"Who Chuckie?" She nodded. "That is my bestfriend... didn't we have this conversation earlier?" She rolled her eyes.

"I mean yes but y'all done had some y'all time and-"

"Y'all time?" She nodded.

"Yes y'all was gone for like three hours."

"Yes and we were getting breakfast not on a date." I frowned up my face.

"But it little moments like those that will make y'all love eachother-"

"Love?" She nodded. "Okay y'all are crazy. We are friends and I am still getting to know him and Vice versa. Like I don't even know his middle name or his last name yet and yet are you talking about love. What the hell? What would you get out of me liking him? What would that do for you?"

"Seeing you happy would do a lot for me and for the first time I see you giving a guy more then a hey and bye so I apologize if that is make you feel weird but I am just excited for you. All the girls are."

"But that what I am saying this is the first time a guy pays attention to me and I don't know if he likes me or I am just the bestfriend so why would I trick myself. I was always the messenger. They would get close to me to get closer to y'all so how do you not know this is what is going on? I don't know so I am not getting feelings involved. Chri- Chuckie is the first guy that even wants to be up under me and around me and I get that is exciting but I can sabotage myself with getting my feelings involved is something that I'm not sure of... that would be stupid of me. I am fine where I'm at considering men. I'm not hurt over no man from my past or none of that and I'm fine with it. I see what you guys go through and I mean this with no disrespect or no judgment but that life is just not for me. I personally can't deal with cheating I can't deal with arguing and being angry at each other, disrespect like I just can't do it so I rather just stay in I'm own lane doing my own thing and get through life."

"But we can see that he likes you and that's why we are trying to tell you that and I hate that you feel like he is too good for you. No one is perfect and you are stunning and amazing and you deserve love and a great man to give it to you and I know what happened when you were going to Prep but they are white little boys! They ain't even your type so I don't know why you let them effect you like this. If you wouldn't look their way was does their opinions matter to you? Huh?"

"You wouldn't understand my life Bia." She sighed.

"I know but you aren't trying to understand how I see you and how I admire you because if you saw you how we see you or you took the time to you would understand why I don't understand why you doubt yourself. Chuckie likes you and so did Dee but guess what Chuckie told him to back off." I sighed. "He told us that and that is why we are making it seem so big cause we been waiting for you to pop that pussy and tell us stories and be hoes like us." We laughed.

"We may never understand eachothers views but what you should understand is that this is my first time even being treated this way and if it goes any farther this will be my first relationship and everything if we even get that far so please just relax y'all know my personality isn't even all this." I motioned and she nodded. "I am an over thinker so there is just some thoughts I can't even entertain. That is one of them." She nodded.

"Okay. But at least get the dick." I laughed.

"Shut up!" We laughed

Sneaky Linkजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें