95. 'Relaxation'

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A/N - Lemon Warning

As Lucette dreamt, she found herself standing in a field of red spider lilies. They were a gorgeous red colour, but she rarely ever saw them because they weren't native to her country. So why was she dreaming of these? As she begins to walk, she starts to hear what she thought were voices, but they were too vague for her to make out what they were saying, but she knew that they were coming from a certain direction. Turning on her heel, she walked in the direction that the voices were coming from. As she kept walking towards the voices, she started to see mist but, the closer she got, the more she saw that they were misty humanoid shapes. Several of the figures were surrounding something and, when she looked down on what they were surrounding, she saw that there was a misty humanoid shape on the floor. As she took in the scene, those red lilies were expelling out from it. On closer inspection, she saw that the misty form on the floor didn't move like the others. In truth, it barely moved at all. As she tried to decipher what she was looking at, the voices started to get louder, but they made no sense to her. However, she managed to get one little sentence out of all the jumbled, nonsensical voices.

"Please... Protect ...... ***** I leave her in your hands."

The voice sounded strained and way too familiar. It was definitely a voice that she had heard before, but they said a name, a name that she didn't even manage to understand, as it was muffled. In the next moment, she finds herself sitting up in bed. There was something off with that dream, it felt like a nightmare in some ways. Was it one of those memory dreams? But, if so, why were the figures unrecognisable? Letting out a little sigh, she looked down at the bottom of the bed, and she could make out the little brown cat, casually starfishing on his back. Ichthys slept weirdly no matter the form. As she looked towards that grey cat bed, she could just make out a little dark body sitting in the middle. With the curtains still closed, she could make out that it was sometime in the morning. Checking the time, it showed that it was 10:30am. Feeling thirsty, Lucette quietly got out of bed and headed downstairs.

But, as she reached the bottom of the stairs, she suddenly heard clattering from the kitchen. Lucette quickly looked around her for something to use as a makeshift weapon and, finding an empty picture frame, she made her way over to the door as stealthily as she could. Lightly opening the door she peered in. There, as clear as day, was a white backside poking out from behind her kitchen table. Lucette was confused at first, but everything became more clear when a head popped up, with a pan in its mouth, that she quickly realised it was a horse. Curiosity getting the better of her, she walked more into the kitchen and, with her picture frame held high, she felt it suddenly leave her hands. Turning on the spot, she is met with a pair of green eyes eyeing her, and the frame, up.

"This is an interesting weapon...."

"Nocte!" Lucette let out a sigh, and slumped her shoulders, letting down her guard. "Why are you in my kitchen?"

"Why am I here, you ask? I just came to check on you." He casually replied, causing her to raise an eyebrow at him.

"Hey, don't forget about me!" Feeling something nudge her back, she turns around and sees that the horse from before is nudging her. "Did you miss me?"

"Of course, Finis." She begins to stroke his head. "I haven't seen you in awhile, I have to admit...."

"Yeah, I've been busy. I haven't even had a chance to see my charges yet either!" Finis cooed sadly.

"Erm... Charges?"

"Oh. The boys upstairs." Finis smiled at her.

"You are obviously dying to go." Nocte pipes up. "So why not just go?"

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