10. That makes two

49 13 1

A/N - Contains mild sexual scenes (Lime Goodness)

Getting pinned down by some unknown boy was definitely NOT on Lucette's agenda that morning. Kicking with one of her legs, it collided with something, and she saw the stranger narrow his eyes.


"Well get off me then."

The stranger sighed, and he actually moved, he sat on the edge of the bed and, after a few minutes, turned back to her. She moved a bit so he couldn't try anything.


"Well... yeah, who pins someone down in the morning?"

She watched as his eyes darted to the door and back again.

"You would be surprised."

"Urgh..." Lucette moved to the other side of the bed, mainly to try and grab something so she could hit him if he came closer. "Who are you?"

"I've been here for the past two days."


She managed to get a better look at him, his hair was dark, but not black. The length of his hair came to just below his shoulders. However, his most defining feature was his heterochromia, one of his eyes was green and the other eye was turquoise. She felt like she had seen the turquoise before, and now that she thought about it, she's also seen the green as well.

"The bird."

"The bird?! What have you done with the bird?!"

She saw him make an annoyed face, and sighed.

"I suppose, with your feeble brain, you wouldn't have understood."

"Excuse me?" Ok, now she was gonna hit him. She grabbed her hair brush, and went to go and smack him, when he turned away from her. But before she could even touch him, the brush left her hand, and she was laying back on the bed again. He reacted way too quickly for any normal person, as he reacted within seconds.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't do that." He said through narrowed eyes.

There was something weirdly familiar about him, but she couldn't really tell what it was. Then she realised... his hair. His hair looked kinda similar to Ichthys', who was still downstairs.

"Well, you have done something with my bird."

She watched him as he raised an eyebrow.


"Yes." She moved her head, so she was more or less eye to eye to him, "My. Bird."

"Heh." He moved to her ear, "I'm not owned. By anyone."


He grinned at her, but his face went from annoyed to surprised.

"Why do you smell.....Divine?"

What? What sort of question was that? She squirmed again, but he really held her down this time.

"You smell....Appealing, I mean I smelt it before, but now it's...."

He started to move towards her, 'dammit, not again' is all she could think as she moved her face away from him. But he didn't even aim for there... instead, he went for her neck, which now thanks to her movement, was exposed.

"Hey, wait.."

She tried to move again, but she felt a pressure on her neck, which kind of shocked her system. What? What? Whaaat? It actually hurt for a second or two, but it then eased a bit, but the pain didn't stop. The stranger went further down her neck, to her collar bone, and she felt more of that... pressure. What was going on?

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