53. Girls Day

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Birds chirping alerted Luette to a new day. Hoisting herself up, so she was sitting up, she tiredly looked around the room. Ichthys, as per usual, had a weird sleeping position, but he was face down this time. As she moved to get out of bed, she felt that something was watching her. As her eyes moved around her room, they fell onto the little bed. A pair of eyes were staring at her.

"Good morning!" She said cheerfully.

"Tch..." Is all that was said, as a small brown body hopped off the bed and sauntered off, out the room.

Well, someone apparently woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

"Grumpy git..." A muffled voice made her turn around, and she watched as Ichthys rolled onto his side.

"Oh, I'm used to him being grumpy in the mornings... But he seems extra grumpy this morning..."

"It must be that time of the month..."

"...... That isn't it, and you know it." Lucette gave him a look and walked out the room. She headed straight for the bathroom. "Might as well get ready for the day..."

As she went into the bathroom and turned the shower tap on to start heating up, she heard a voice coming from in the basin.

"Hang on!"

Looking down, she saw a bird, but it was a bit late. The shower was on and he got soaked.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry!" Lucette quickly turned the tap off and looked down into the basin. Standing there was a soaked bird. He was staring back at her, with narrow eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you there! Why were you in here anyway?"

"That's none of your business!" He retorted back.

"Well, there must be a reason..." She knelt down so she wasn't looking down so much.

".... If you must know, I like it when there is water around and, since this is a bathroom, it's fitting..... But you didn't have to blast me!"

Lucette cocked her head. Back at that cave, when he walked out into the rain, it didn't affect him. So why was he wet now?

"By the way.... Could you not make yourself wet? Like that time outside the cave?"

"Well, yes, but you surprised me, and I didn't have anytime to react..."

"Oh... Hmm... Would you like to have a shower?"

"With you?" As he said that, he made a weird face and started to walk out of the basin. "Nope, I'm fine..."

She watched him as he hopped out of the basin but, considering that he was still wet, he slipped a bit. She actually didn't mean together, but he automatically thought it. Stifling a laugh, she watched him as he continued to walk away. He was so... Odd, but at least he is semi manageable when he's a bird. Smiling to herself, she stood up, and carried on with what she was originally in here for.

However, she did completely forget to get spare clothes, so all she could do was walk back to her room, in her towel. Luckily both of the boys were downstairs as, while she was on the landing, she heard two sets of voices coming from downstairs. As she got to her door, she heard her phone go off. Heading over to pick it up, she saw Mai's name on the ID. Answering it, she heard a loud voice on the other end.

"Yo! Morning!"

"Ah, ha. Yes, morning."

"Ok, so I just realised your hair is long, right? So we'll be needing two boxes... Maybe three... I dunno... Buuuuut, I''ve only got one box of each colour. So, it looks like we are going shopping anyway."

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