64. The Love Hotel

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Sleeping in a love hotel wasn't exactly on Lucette's agenda for the night and, considering that this was their second night on this trip, it just felt plain odd. But it is what it is. Even if this bed can be used.... For other activities, it was still actually weirdly comfortable to sleep on. As she lay her head on the pillow, she was painfully aware of the others. Although, for some weird reason, Ichthys was still in the bathroom. Hearing the slight movement of Eros in the armchair, she buried herself deep in the sheets. It was better to actually get some sleep.

As she lay there, drifting in and out, she heard whispers going on. The whispers were then followed by a sound of a door opening and closing. Was that the balcony door? Why go out there? As she opened one eye, she couldn't really see anything. But, as she tried to peek even more, she heard a thudding sound, and the bed felt heavy. Like, there was someone else on it.

Trying to find the source of what caused it, she saw what looked like a human form on the bed.


The form spoke.



Looking directly at her was the same pair of eyes she saw just earlier on in the day. Deep blue eyes.

"What the...? Casus.... Mmpph?" Before she could finish off her sentence, his hand covered her mouth. As she narrowed her eyes at him, she really wished he would stop doing that.


Lucette wanted to ask Casus why he was even here, so she tried to give him the best look that could show what she wanted to ask instead.

"Err.... This is not my intention...." He answered her by removing his hand.

"This wasn't your intention?"

".... Not really?"


He wasn't making much sense.

"I took a bad... Turning..."


"Ehhh... Heeeh...." Casus looked at her and, for some reason, he looked exhausted? What on earth was he doing from this morning until now? As she was thinking that, he crawled up the bed, until he was more or less in front of her. But he fell forwards, and landed head first onto her.

"Wha....???!!!" As she exclaimed, the door to the balcony opened.

"Heh... Well then...."

Looking up, Lucette looked over towards the balcony door, and saw Ichthys standing in the doorway, looking rather unsurprised. Following after him was Eros. Wait... Technically they haven't even met... How was she even going to explain this? A locked room and some guy that Eros hasn't even met before is just laying, passed out, on her?!

"Unbelievable...." A new voice echoes around the room. "Sleep...."

As she looks on, she sees Eros fall sideways and something catches him before he falls. Standing there, supporting him, was Nocte himself, looking rather unsurprised with everything. The same look she saw on Ichthys a moment earlier.

"Oh... Eros..." Lucette called out to him and tried to move, but the passed out Casus, who was still laying on her, was rather heavy.

"He will be fine...." Nocte reassures her, as she watches him lay Eros down.

"Oh, good thinking!" Ichthys chims in, merrily.

"Yep..." After laying him down, Nocte stands up, strolls over and stares at the form laying on her. He gives Casus a mighty big poke which, in turn, does nothing. "Heh..."

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