84. A Bird's Envy

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A/N Slight mention of blood and wound


When Lucette awoke the following morning, she felt refreshed. As she stared up at her ceiling, her mind was still plagued with the thoughts. Hoisting herself into a sitting position, she noticed that Ichthys wasn't on the sofa but, looking around her room, she did spot something dark in the little bed. So he came home after all. Getting out of bed, she quietly wanders over to the cat bed, and crouches down. Just as she thought, it was Corvus in the bed, but he was laying face down in his bird form. For a split second, she thought he was dead, but she saw the rise and fall of his body a little. As she stared at him sleeping, she kinda wished what he was actually thinking. Sighing a little, she got up, grabbed her uniform and headed to the bathroom. After freshening up and putting her uniform on, she headed downstairs.

Looking around the living room, she wondered where Ichthys was but she then saw, laying on the same sofa that she left him on, was a little brown body. Walking over to the sofa, Lucette noticed that he was still a cat. Poking him a little, she saw that he stirred a little, and started mumbling some words that she could not make out.

"Hey, are you alright?" She asked him, but he just mumbled at her and closed his eyes.

"He will be fine... Eventually...."

"Eh?" Looking round, she saw Corvus standing at the bottom of the stairs. "What do you mean by 'eventually'?"

"Well...." Corvus moved and picked up a small card, and started to read from it. "Dear my darling Ikky Piggy, these sweets are for you, since I won't be able to bring them to you. They should last you a week, a lot of love, Gran. P.S. Don't eat them all in one day, you know what happens.... Well, at least the pig part was correct."

"Wait..." Walking over to him, she plucked the card from his hand and read it herself. Everything he said was correct. "Soooo, considering the amount of boxes..."

"He ate the entire batch...." Corvus announced. "Unbelievable...."

"He will be alright though, right?"

Corvus shrugged and walked over to the little flaked out cat, and bent down to look him over. "Did a right old number on yourself, didn't you?"

"Hang on..." Lucette moved and picked up a box that she knew was full last night. "He ate them during the night!"

"He's lucky his overindulging on sweets just knocks him out for a few hours...." Corvus straightened himself up. "So he will be out of commission for a little while...."

"Wait...." She looked at the card again and, sure enough, it did say 'gran' there. "I suppose the answer to the mystery of where he's been getting these cakes from is from your other grandmother?"

"Well, she has been known to be a feeder...." He shrugged. "But, if you are worried about him, I assure you that he will be fine, you just won't get much out of him. Hopefully...." He looked down at the cat again, and saw him twitch his legs a little. "This would teach him a lesson about not eating so much."

"So I have to make some excuse about why he won't be in school then...." Lucette pointed out. "I did hear that there was a bug going around though."

"School?" Corvus titled his head in confusion. "Oh right, that...." Snapping his fingers, his usual outfit of the grey shirt and black trousers changed into the male school uniform.

However, Lucette noticed that both his tie and the shirt were hardly done up, and revealed parts of his chest. Her eyes betrayed her, because she couldn't help but notice it. Even more so, considering her discovery of her own feelings so, shaking her head, she turned her attention to something else.

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