140. Darkness Comes

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Lucette was sitting cross legged on the bed, having a conversation with Sanctus, who had reappeared again. He too was sitting cross legged.

"It's still so weird that you're still here and still with me...." Lucette told him.

"And the fact that I'm the only one too." Sanctus nodded along.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean my brother. I am aware of him being there." He pointed towards her. "But out here? I am not aware of him."

"Really? Huh.... But... Hmm...." She moved her hand to her chin. "I'm still quite curious as to why you two were born as one being."

"Don't ask me."

"Well, yeah.... Okay... But doesn't the 'Divinus' line come as pairs? You two won't, well... Not in the usual sense, that is. So I wonder... Why the change?"

"I'm sure it would make sense at a later date...." Sanctus shrugged.


As Sanctus stretched and sat on the edge of the bed, the door to the tent opened and, as Lucette looked over, she saw that Corvus had walked in. As he spots her, his eyes then wander to who she was sitting with, and his eyes narrow. Then, with that, he walks over.

"You're back!" Lucette called out to him. "How was it?"

"Fine...." He replied back, but he was not looking her in the eye, instead he was eyeing up Sanctus, who got off of the bed, and waved at him. "Why is he here?"

"Why not?" Lucette questioned him.

"I can leave if you want me to."

"Hang on!" Lucette called out to both. "You really don't need to leave, and you...." She pointed a finger at Corvus. "Don't be rude."

"Oh, it's fine...." Sanctus states. "It would make it less awkward, so I will leave."

"Where would you go?" Lucette asked him.

"Well, I appear invisible to most, so I might wander...."

"Oh.... Well, if you see Eros? Can you see if he's alright?"

"Totally." With a little salute, Sanctus disappears, leaving both Lucette and Corvus in the tent.

"You really didn't have to be rude...." Lucette directed that at Corvus, who just huffed.

"How was I rude?"

"Because of literally everything you just said!"

"It doesn't matter anyway."

"Yes it does!"

"No, it does not!"

Lucette huffed and folded her arms, but she noticed something as Corvus turned his head to the right. Something was dangling from his left ear that wasn't there before.

"What is that?" She questions him.

"Excuse me?"

As Lucette got off of the bed, she took a step towards him and touched the silver dangling object that was hanging from his ear. She saw that, on closer inspection, that it was an earring, which happened to bear the resemblance of a sword.

"Where did you get this from?"

"It was a gift.... I think...."

"A gift?"

Corvus let out a sigh, and sat on the bed. As he looked down at his lap, he let out another sigh and began to explain slight details on what transpired not so long ago. That, in some way or another, he now lives in harmony with Behemoth, Ziz and Leviathan, which is where he went earlier, and that the earring appeared during the event with those beasts.

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