101. Sky, Earth and Hell

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A/N - Lime warning

Lucette awoke feeling refreshed the following morning. As she opened her eyes, she was still adjusting to the new room. This was the second day of her being here in a different world but, as she lay there, she contemplated the fact that apparently barely any time would have passed back home. But she wondered, if she stayed here for ages, would she return to her old world older? She didn't realise that possibility until now. Rolling over to her other side, she comes face to face with a sleeping Corvus. Ah, right, he came back last night and they... Shaking that memory out of her mind, she then remembered about how weird he was acting prior to 'that'. She never did get a straight answer, the only thing that he did say is that it will be fine. What would be fine? It kind of reminded her of what Casus said the other day.

"Is there a reason why you are staring at me.... Again?"

"Eh?" Getting pulled out of her day dream, she realises that Corvus was staring at her, with one eye open. "Oh..... I wasn't actually staring at you....."

"Uh huh....." He moved, causing Lucette to go back into the bed, and he half hovered over her. "It's now apparently a common thing for me to find you staring at me."

"I... I... Don't actually mean to...."

Her eyes were darting all over the place because, unlike her, he didn't actually get dressed again, so his bare chest was fully in sight. If she looked further down, she would probably get more than an eyeful.


Half smirking at her, he lowered his head, and she felt him on her neck. Instantly, she started to squirm. But, when she tried to wiggle her way out of it, he pinned her arms and used some of his weight to stop her from moving.

"Ah! Why?"

Feeling breath by her ear, she could just about hear him breathe out a little whisper. "This is punishment for staring at me, again...."

"Wait, why is that a punishment?"

"It just is."

Feeling teeth on her earlobe, she really couldn't help squirming even more.

"Damn you...." She breathed out.

Corvus moved his head to stare down at her, and she saw that he just smirked that usual, irritating smirk of his. In return, she gave him an unamused look, which just turned him cocky instead, and he returned to what he called 'his punishment'. But after a few seconds, there was a knock that resounded from the door, but he didn't let up.

"Wait, the door?"



As she tried to move, the door to the bedroom opened, and the sound of wheels were coming their way. However, Corvus didn't move off her, instead he moved his head, and looked in the direction of who came in. Lucette looked too, and was a bit horrified when Alistair was staring back at them, pushing a trolley of a tea set again.

"Ah, sorry to interrupt. But I thought you might like some tea." Alistair bowed.

"It's fine." Corvus actually got off of her, and rolled onto his side. "Thank you Alistair."

"It's not a problem, sir." Alistair bowed again, and turned his attention to Lucette, who was still laying down, a little bewildered that Alistair saw what he saw. "If you need anything else, I will be around." He gave her a smile, and walked back out of the room.

Once Alistair was out of the room, Corvus sighed.

"That monkey is so oblivious, I swear...."

"Err...." Lucette turned her head towards him. "What do you mean by 'oblivious'?"

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