3. An eventful morning

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Lucette awoke the next morning feeling content, she laid on her back staring up at her ceiling. Were the events of last night really just a dream? She once again traced her lips with a finger, it was honestly hard to tell. What was his name again anyway? It was a strange name. Ichthys? Yeah, that sounded right. Sighing, she got off the bed and walked over to her balcony doors. Pulling back the curtains, it was a beautiful spring morning.

"Hello world!"

She said, smiling, and wandered off out of her room to the bathroom, it's usually where she leaves her school uniform. It consisted of a dark purple blazer and skirt with a dark grey shirt, each year had a different coloured tie, and considering Lucette and her friends was year two, they had burgundy. Pulling everything on, she spun around in front of a mirror. "Perfect." She usually kept her hair down but always carried around a few hair bands, just in case. Usually for P.E to be honest. Smiling at her reflection one more time, she walked back out the bathroom and back to her bedroom, scooping up the cookies she made her way down stairs. Just before she reached the bottom set of stairs, there was a knock on the front door. 'Ah, on time as always.' Heading that way she flicked the lock to unlock the door and opened it.


Lucette smiled as she was greeted by a medium length red haired girl, wearing the same uniform.

"Ah ha. Morning Mai" Lucette told her and she sat down to put her socks on. Shoes luckily enough weren't part of the uniform so you could just wear anything comfortable, as long as it was appropriate. Lucette liked to wear just below the knee boots with burgundy socks, while Mai opted for the ballet flat type of shoes. Examining her boots to make sure they were on correctly, she smiled and got up.



Lucette grabbed her bag from the side and both of them left after she locked the door.

""I love Spring but damn, I can't wait for Summer and the glory that Summer brings!" Mai cheerfully announced, spreading her arms wide to bask in the Spring sun.

"You just want to oogle."

Mai stopped walking and did a victory pose at her friend.

"Damn straight! I mean nothing wrong with looking, and you know I like to look!" She grinned, quite mischievously, and carried on walking, Lucette sighed and followed suit.

"Oh I got something for you!"


Lucette fumbled in her pockets, and took out one of the spare cookies that was left over and handed one out to Mai.

"Oh sweet, knew I was forgetting something this morning!"

Mai took it and started munching on it, Lucette smiled at the thought. Responsible Eros knew that Mai would totally forget to eat this morning. They both ate their morning cookie till Mai saw something up ahead.

"Hey look. A monkey out of a zoo!"


Lucette looked in the direction Mai was looking and there was Eros balancing himself on a wall just up ahead.

"Morning!" Is all Mai said while walking by.

Eros waved her off and turned his attention to Lucette.

"Good morning."

She smiled at him, just like both of them, he wore the same uniform. But Eros' sorry excuse of a 'tie' was like none existent, it was small and stringy. According to him, he didn't really know how to tie one, so it was continuously this really odd thing. Lucette once offered to teach him, but he declined, stating that the teachers didn't really care, so why should he? All three of them continued to walk, with Mai taking the lead, a few feet ahead.

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