21. Beginning of a new school life

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"Ah, good morning Eros!" Lucette smiled back at him, but the air quickly turned awkward as she watched his eyes wander over her shoulder.

"Yo! Morning, Oreos!" Ichthys chimed in, waving at Eros.

Eros' eyes narrowed, but he didn't say anything in response to Ichthys.

"Ready to go?"

He directed that question at Lucette, and she smiled back at him. But she really couldn't help noticing that the atmosphere was tense.

"Ah, yes, one second."

She closed the door a little, and moved back a bit to put her shoes on. Ichthys, who was still standing there, shrugged.

"I get the feeling he's ignoring me..."

"On the contrary, I know you're there... I just don't care..."

The door swung open slightly and Eros was, again, standing there with his arms folded. He really didn't look amused.

"Ahhh.. But..." Ichthys took a step forward, and appeared in front of Eros. "We can become great friends!"

"How about 'no'?"

"There's that word again..."

"What? 'No'?"


"Well, get used to it."

"Ah... Well, that's one word I'm not used to..."

Lucette rolled her eyes as they continued their debate, and got up to start walking.

"I'm leaving now. You can either follow, or stay behind."



She kept on walking down her path and, just as her hand reached the gate, a voice called out.

"Have you got milk?"

"Errr... Huh?"

Lucette looked up and, standing on the other side of her fence, was someone she had met before.... But dressed as a milkman.

"I said 'have you got milk?'"

"You're.... Nocte, right?"

"Actually, correction, I'm the milkman."

Lucette blinked several times, while the man she had met before, who called himself Nocte, was dressed as a milkman.

"Milkman? I didn't even know that they were still a thing." Eros had commented after the two boys caught up with her.

"A milkman?" Ichthys asked, while folding his arms.

Nocte, the milkman, smiled.

"Not a thing anymore? Well, anyway, do you want milk? It's the glorious white liquid, you're probably too young for the.... Other white liquid..."

Lucette tilted her head in confusion, what did he mean by 'other white liquid' and why would she be too young for it? What?

"Yo... Ok... That's enough... Think I might class that as harassment!"

Eros spoke up, pushing Lucette away from the odd milkman.

"Was he talking about mayo?"

"Yeah... Mayo..."

Nocte grinned, as he watched both Eros and Lucette walk away. He found the whole thing amusing.

"Why are you still here?"

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