137. Before the Silver

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As Lucette opened the door to the tent, she saw that there, on the other side, was Somnus, the silver haired, sharp blue-eyed brother of Nirvana. He was someone she actually had not seen in awhile.

"I've come to pick you up." He points out.

"Oh. Somnus. It's been awhile." Lucette blurts out.

Somnus tilted his head. "I suppose it has been awhile, perhaps you are ready to leave?"

"Hang on a second...." Lucette raised her finger at him, and turned on her heel to return to Corvus, who was still tied to the bed. "I suppose that I have to untie you now."

"That'll be grand." Corvus grumbled.

"Only...." She pointed a finger at him. "Because it's required."

"Uh huh...."

Shaking her head, she moved to untie him. When Corvus was free from his restraints, he climbed off of the bed, tapping his head slightly and, in the blink of an eye, Ichthys appeared.

"Why'd you kick me out?" Ichthys questions him.

"Because it will be rude, you lazy sod."

"Oh right, it's true."

"Anyway...." Corvus clicked his fingers for the effect and as Lucette blinked, she saw that there, staring up at her from the bed, wasn't a bird. She then realised that there was a small dark brown kitten with odd eyes there instead. "Dammit. I didn't want this."

"Awww...." Ichthys leant down and poked him. "You're adorable!"

"Do NOT touch me!" Kitten Corvus swatted at Ichthys' finger. "I apparently did it wrong, let me change back...." They all watch him as he closes his eyes and nothing actually happens. "Ok.... Now I'm stuck...."

"Well, at least you're manageable like this." Ichthys moved to pick kitten Corvus up.

"Hey, hey! Watch where you're touching! I'm sensitive...."

"Don't I know that...."

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

"Well, you two are back to normal...." Somnus states as he walks over. "I'm glad to hear that."

"Oh. Uncle? It's been awhile." Ichthys says to him.

"That it has...." Somnus lightly nods. "Are we ready?"

With that, the group followed Somnus, with Ichthys carrying a rather grumpy looking Corvus kitten in his arms. Somnus led them to a forest opening, where Finis was standing. Finis saw them approach and spoke out to them.

"Oh, I've been wondering where you guys were!"

"Are we late?" Lucette asks him, as the group walks up to him.

"Nah, not really." Finis side steps. "Just to let you know? You might feel a little weird going ahead, but due to the nature of this event? We didn't want to get disturbed. But erm... Somnus? Are you ok to be out and about?"

"Finis, my dear boy... I am fine." Somnus slaps him on the shoulder lightly, and proceeds to walk ahead of them.

When Somnus was out of ear shot, Lucette turned to Finis, who was watching him go.

"Something is wrong with him?"

"Ah...." Finis turns to look at her. "It's not really my place to say, but anyway... In you go!" He gestured, with his head, for them to walk in.

With a smile, the group walked in after Somnus. As they walked, Lucette couldn't help but feel something weird. It felt like she was being judged, but that feeling went away very quickly, and when it did? She found herself walking out into a huge clearing. Ichthys, from behind her, whistled at the sheer size of what was in front of them. As she looked up, she could barely see the sky, since trees curled over. In some ways, it was like a natural dome. Lucette then turned around to face the boys.

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