68. First Kiss

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Warning - Lemon

As Lucette left Casus behind, she stopped and eyed up the vial he gave her. Would this help? Pocketing the vial anyway, she went on the search for where everyone had gone. Again, she stopped and saw that Zane was up to something. It was a little suspicious, but still wasn't her problem. Taking a wild guess, she headed towards that relaxing area, and she immediately stopped when she saw the red hair. Walking on over there, she noticed that both Mai and Eros were, in fact, playing foosball.

"Oh, winning?" She asked them as she came over.

"Hmm? Oh, Luce! Errrr.... Totally...." Mai tried to convince herself.

"No, she is losing, and might I say... Quite badly." Eros corrected her.

"Oh, shh you... Oh, hey.. Would you, perhaps, like to try out those open bath thingies later?"

Lucette had been meaning to try them out, maybe the third night would be the lucky one. They do like to say that the third time's the charm.

"I would love to!"

"Oh, excellent! Hey Kong? Wanna tag along?"

"You forget what gender I am, don't you?" Eros answered her. He sounded rather flat.

"Ehhh? What?"

"The baths are separate for both males and females. There is no mixed bathing.."

"Oh... I didn't even realise that...."

"You never do...." Eros looked at Lucette. "Not like I care or anything, but where have you left that moron?"

"Moron? Oh! You mean Ikky?"

"Yeah, that one."

Lucette nervously laughed. In truth, she did sorta 'run' away from him earlier. She had kind of hoped that he would be alright, since he did have a habit of doing.... the wrong things.

"I left him in the gardens." It wasn't a lie, since it was the truth.

"Well, I suppose that if he was around, my hairs would be getting on edge...." Eros sighed.

"Ah ha! Well, I'm going to leave you two to it. I'm going back to the room for a bit."

"Oh? Okay. Meet you again for dinner?" Mai asked her.

"Sounds good."

Waving goodbye to them, she left those two to their foosball game. In a way, she was glad that Casus gave her that vial because Mai would SO notice those marks if she wanted to use the open baths later. It would be a good time to at least freshen up a little. Making a beeline for their room, she passed several of her classmates, and overheard them talking about where they have all been during the days. As she started to walk up the stairs, she stopped on the third step as she caught sight of something oddly familiar. Going back down the stairs, she saw Nocte speaking to someone. As she adjusted her eyes, she saw that it was Ichthys. They weren't exactly in a heated conversation, but it seemed important. Deciding not to eavesdrop, she returned to make her way up the stairs. At least she knew where Ichthys was at least. So, that was a good thing.

Making her way to their room's floor, she opened up their door and went straight into the bathroom. Taking off the turtleneck, she could clearly see the marks as clear as day on her neck. Removing the rest of her clothes, she took herself a quick shower. Afterwards, as she stood in front of the mirror again, in a towel, she eyed up the vial. The liquid was clear and, if you shook the bottle a little, purple swirls appeared.

"Well, here goes nothing..."

Removing the top, she poured a bit of the liquid on her finger, and started to dab at the marks. As she did so, she felt a warm sensation and, in front of her eyes, in the mirror, they started to fade. So, what Casus said was true, they would heal. As she kept dabbing at them, she started to think that maybe they really shouldn't keep doing that in very obvious places. But, with the culprit's attitude on these ones, he didn't even mind if people saw. Scrunching up her eyebrows, she just reminded herself that she did care. She cared if people saw those marks. It'll mean that she has to explain them, which she did not want to have to do.

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