73. Black Orb

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Lucette was still frozen in place as she continued to look down. She could barely see through her tearful eyes. Why? Why? She only wanted to have a good day. Why did it have to end like this? The sounds of the screaming and what sounded like roaring ended up getting drowned out in her ears. Instead, all she heard was silence. Endless silence.

"Hey! What are you doing? Move!"

She could hear a voice, but it sounded so far away.

"I'm talking to you!"

Still they talked on. It sounded like a man's voice, but she couldn't be bothered with it.

"Son of a..."

The voice sounded more annoyed and, as she finally looked up, she could make a figure out through her tears. It wasn't human but, instead, it looked like a little bird.

"Would you snap out of it?!"

The voice sounded even more annoyed, and she felt hands on her shoulders. As she looked up again, she saw that a face was right in front of hers.

"You can't stay here!"

"I... He..." She felt like crying again.

"Nothing can be done, unless you wanna join him...."

Rubbing at her eyes, so she could see clearly, she saw that it was Corvus who was staring back at her, looking annoyed.

"Not being funny, but it's coming back again...." A second voice resounds around her ears and, as she looks up, she spots what she assumed was Ichthys standing on the broken pieces of box, holding out his hand. "Oh... Well crap...." As he said that, a huge shockwave rocked the box again and something snapped.

Feeling her body shake, she could only assume that what was holding the box up started to give way. Closing her eyes shut, she felt her face getting buried into a chest. This made her feel safe, and then it felt like she was grabbing onto... Fur? Opening her eyes again, she saw that she was holding onto something that was not human. To confirm her thoughts, a head turned around and she could see that it was a horse.


As she looked down, she saw that she was in the air, riding a horse, but not just an actual horse. It was one of the ones you read about that can fly, which is called a pegasus. Something else was clinging to the horse as well and, further up the horse's neck, Lucette could see that there was a little brown cat.

"Get off my neck you moron! You can help yourself!" The horse spoke, and he sounded awfully like Corvus.

"Yeah, well.... You had the better idea...." The cat mumbled, poking his head out from under a bit of Corvus' mane.

There was a sound of steel creaking, and she looked towards the sound of the noise. The entire wheel came crashing down, and the sound of screaming was in her ears again. Briefly looking down at the pile of rubble, she felt both sadness and horror.

Trying to put on a brave face, she spoke as they still hovered in the sky.

"What is going on?"

Both the horse and the cat looked at her with a sad expression on their faces.

"No idea but..... Sorry we were late...." The Ichthys cat said, with a sad tone, as he crawled down the horse's neck.

"It's alright, thank you regardless.... But aren't people going to question the actual flying horse in the sky?"

"Well, considering that thing over there, they sure aren't going to question me...." Horse Corvus stated as he pointed, with his head, towards the chaos.

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