57. New Teacher, New Problems

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Eros and Lucette left the house, and they both walked down the street. Although Lucette walked with a bit of anger in her step. She was both angry and annoyed about what happened earlier. She was mentally beating herself up for even allowing that. However, it had happened before, but never really that... 'Other' thing that Corvus did.

"Such heavy footfalls..." Eros announced, after a short while.

"Huh?" She stopped and turned around. He was staring at her intently. "Oh... I didn't notice..."

"And here I thought Mai was Gozilla..."

"Oh, haha..." She stepped back and stood by his side. She couldn't help noticing that he was the exact same height as the two boys she had at home.

"Is there something on my face?"

"Huh? Oh, no..." Linking her arm with his, they walked down the street again.

"By the way, Mai mentioned that you now have a cat? But earlier I didn't see him..."

"Cat?" Oh! Ichthys' disguise that he decided to get himself. As she thought of him, she realised that she didn't even ask if he was coming. "Oh! Him, he likes to hide all over the house. So you probably caught him in one of his napping moments..." It was a lie, but she hoped it was a good lie.

"It makes sense, I wonder if I can see him at some point..."

"You like cats?"

"Well, I don't really hate them, but I suppose I'm more of a dog person? Large dogs, to be precise."

"Oh, I never honestly knew that."

"Well, none of us really had any pets. Well, Mai had that hamster, but that demon was the extent of us having pets. Which reminds me, you have both a cat and a bird. Do they get on all right?"

As he asked that, Lucette had a mental image of both of them. As usual, nothing has really changed between them, it was just the usual. However, considering that both of them really weren't animals, it was a bit obvious. But, Ichthys did mention many times that bird Corvus looked like a snack.

"Surprisingly well!"

"I suppose it isn't always the cliche cats chase birds."

"I thought it was mice?"

"Works both ways, I suppose?" Eros took a long breath in. "Although, didn't Mrs Everest mention that we are getting our new teacher today?"

"Oh! I sorta forgot about that, I wonder what they will be like..." Lucette wondered.

"Anyone is better than our previous one..."

"Mr Cartwright? He had his moments. I mean not many, but yeah..." Lucette shrugged.

"Well, I don't have fond memories of him, but it's better to not speak ill of the dead anyway..."

"Yeah, true..."

Both of them continued walking down the path and, after a short while, their school was finally in sight. They could easily see students already filing in. Eros mentioned that he was going into the nearby store to grab something to eat, so Lucette waited outside for him. But as she stood there waiting, someone bumped into her, causing her to drop her bag.

"Oh, sorry..." She told them, looking up at them.

The person that bumped into her was a man who wore smart casual clothes. He held himself high, but his striking blue eyes really stood out. For some reason, his face looked really familiar.

"Sorry, it was my fault..." The man crouched down, picked up her bag and handed it back to her. "Here."

"Erm, thank you?" She took her bag off the man, and he smiled kindly at her.

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