49. Black Dragon

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As Lucette was sleeping, she suddenly heard birds chirping. As she lay there, she thought to herself that it was really odd. But, as she opened her eyes, she didn't see her familiar ceiling, but a grey sky. Shooting upwards and looking around, she realised that she was not, in fact, in her bed, it was a plain grassy meadow. Slowly getting to her feet, she continued to look around, there was nothing there. The meadow, even if you would call it that, was bland. Only a few trees littered here and there and the grass was tall. A dark shadow loomed over her and, looking up, she saw a horde of birds flying above her head. Lucette's mouth dropped, they were fleeing from something. She watched them disappear until they were just a black object in the distance.

"This must be one of those dream things again..."

As she said that out loud, a bone chilling roar echoed around her, followed by a huge gust of wind that nearly knocked her flying. As she looked in the direction of the sound, she couldn't believe what she was generally seeing. Something huge had landed not far from her. She rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn't seeing things.

But standing there was a massive black dragon, but it wasn't all black. Parts of its body had red markings, mainly its underbelly and the parts on its wings. So, this was what scared all those birds. Lucette watched the dragon look into the sky and then it started walking in her direction. The ground shook as it walked. As it got closer, she realised that this dragon was much bigger than she thought it was. If she had to guess, it was half of the size of the Empire State Building in America. All her dreams so far, of this kind, have been her observing. She wished it stayed the same, especially in this scenario.

The dragon never got close to her. Instead, it stopped and started digging at the ground with its claws. It didn't take it long to make a massive hole, and the ground underneath her feet shook enough that it caused her to land on her knees. Looking up, she saw that the dragon had put its head down the hole and started to pull something out of the ground, she saw that something long and purple was in it's mouth as it started to pull. Hearing a loud rumbling sound, she saw more of what the dragon was pulling out of the hole. She could make out tentacles, long purple tentacles and this dragon was pulling them off. What was she even witnessing here?

"Darn, so he did come here then..."

"He'll ruin the balance of everything..."

"Well, isn't this your fault anyway?"

"No... Not exactly..."

Different sets of voices, coming from behind her, echo around her and as she turns around, she can see a small group of people standing there. As she narrowed her eyes, to see them better, she could vaguely make them out. Getting to her feet, she made her way over there. As she got closer, she started to make them out. Standing on the side, further away from the group, was who she believed to be Victus, oddly still wearing the same suit that he always wore. A black jacket, grey shirt and red tie. If this was the past, he most definitely didn't change. But, as she got closer, she could make out his facial expression. Instead of the usual stony expression, he actually looked worried, or the extent of a worried look. Next to him was the guy that she was speaking to not long ago, Casus. However, he looked fidgety, like he didn't want to be there. There was one thing missing from his attire, as she saw that he was wearing just a shirt and trousers. She then realised that the turquoise choker wasn't actually around his neck. There was also someone else in that group, a third member. They stood just a little bit behind both Victus and Casus. But, somehow, he looked awfully familiar. Standing there, looking like they were in deep thought, was a man dressed in an all red suit, with long brown hair tied back in a ponytail that rested down his back. Lucette had never really seen this man before but, somehow, in some weird way, she had. But where?

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