62. Celedain Trip

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The day before the week long school trip came to be, Lucette was staring at several clothes in her hands. She was looking back and forth between them.

"Why can't you just pick?" An annoyed voice states as they watch her.

"This can be important..." Lucette affirmed the voice as she turned her attention to them. There, sitting just a little ways away, on her bed was a little dark bird.

"I really do doubt that..." The bird muttered back.

"It makes me wonder if I need to do anything..." A third voice called out and walked round to pick up the bird was Ichthys. "However, lemme guess... you being all annoyed is because you're getting left behind?"

"On the contrary, there is actually going to be peace and quiet in this house."

"You're so harsh.."

"Oh, Ikky?" Lucette called to him and he faced her direction. "What are you going to do about clothes? I mean... coming on this trip without a bag is just weird...."

"Well, that answers my question if I need to do anything... I can just create a bag and the whole illusion." He grinned at her.

Ichthys and Corvus were odd with clothes, they never had clothes to put in the laundry. According to them, they just make clothes when they see fit. She found that to be rather helpful and, in a way, she wished she could do that. It would save her so much trouble without having to wash them all the time.

Finally managing to pack everything, she closed the lid of her suitcase. She was damn right lucky that it actually closed. Just as he said he would, Ichthys faked his own bag and, for some reason, was now on her sofa, as a cat, laying on his back stretched out.

"What are you doing?" She asked him, as she dragged the case off of her bed. He looked up at her, and smiled.

"Not much, you?"

"No, I mean the whole cat thing."

"Oh.... No reason, I just felt like it."

She watched him stretch and close his eyes. Since he was laying on his back, his fluffy cat belly was on display. Fighting the urge back to go and rub it, she dragged the case out the room. As Lucette looked up, she saw a small bird perched on her bannister.

"Oh, there you are..." She called out to him, and he looked in her direction briefly, before turning away.

"Am I not allowed here?"

"Well, that's not it.. I was just wondering where you went, that is all."

"I went away. Besides, that moron in there was being way too loud. In a way, I cannot wait until you leave, so there is actual quiet in this house."

"I'm pretty sure that you would miss us...."

"That's a big fat 'no'."

Smiling at him, she made her way down the stairs, dragging the case behind her. Leaving the case by the stairs, she double checked everything, nodded to herself that she had everything and returned back upstairs to head to bed.


As she laid there sleeping, she heard an odd sound. Opening her eyes, she quickly realised she wasn't in her own bed. Looking around her, she found herself in some sort of red room. In closer inspection, it actually looked like a nursery. The sound of a door opening made her jump as she turned to see who had walked through. The same dark haired woman that she had seen many times before walked into the room, she was carrying something small in her arms.

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