2. A dream?

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Lucette was bewildered, she had no idea how or what she should even be feeling right now; she seriously was not expecting this!

"Holy daemon, that landing though. Did a number on my butt, kinda wished he didn't have to push me so hard.... Oh?"

The 'light' stared at her and smiled. It was nothing she could have even imagined for it was in fact a boy. From what she could make out, he had semi long brown hair and bright turquoise eyes, surprisingly he wasn't wearing anything out of the ordinary, just a grey shirt and black jacket. Lucette blinked and the next second he was right in her face peering at her, a very strong smell of vanilla went right up her nose.

"Erm. Boundaries, ever heard of them?" She tried to push him back but noticed he didn't even move, that was strange...


"Boundaries, you're... err... kind of close."

The boy tilted his head to the side in slight confusion, causing Lucette to sigh; what exactly did she find. She took a step back and he didn't actually follow her, she gestured with her hands the distance that is now between them.

"This is boundaries, it's kinda called personal space."

He looked back and forth between the invisible line, with a furrowed face before his face changed and he instantly was in front of her again. He grabbed both of her hands.

"Lunaria right?"

Lucette blinked a few times, was he calling her that or what?

"No I'm Lucette, I live in Lunaria..."

This strange boy's expression lit up for a split second and before she knew it she got a tight hug from him. Who the hell was this kid?

"Erm, errrr... Excuse me..." She muffled into his chest, though she really couldn't help but REALLY notice he absolutely smelled wonderful.

"So wonderful to meet you Luna. Though that's one of the names that pater gave to the big round thing."

What on earth was a 'pater' and 'big round thing'? What?

"Erm... excuse me... but I am not called Lunaria, or Luna, it's Lucette!"

For once he let go of her and stood back with folded arms and kept nodding to himself.

"Ah. No. I messed up again didn't I? I knew I should have listened to Finny, instead I just counted the amount of grey hairs he has. Which was a lot surprisingly... Hmmm..."

Lucette blinked several times, she really couldn't help but notice that this boy legit went off into some 'fantasy' land a lot. But there was actually a pressing matter here,

"I have some questions for you.." The boy stopped nodding to himself and looked at her. "Right, first off, who are you?"


"A what now?"

"Ichthys. Though most people call me Ikky." He beamed at her, with his hands on his hips.

"Ok...Ikky...Second question is, who and what are you and thirdly what was that light?"

He tilted his head and moved his hand to his chin.

"I kinda hoped no one saw that... but it was honestly the first time I used it, and well I didn't listen to Fin.. Then I took a wrong turning and nearly landed into a house, ah jeez... how do the others even do it? They make it sound easy!"

Lucette went wide eyed as he started walking around mumbling to himself, arms flailing about. Yep very weird guy.

"Honestly, I think you answering my questions confused me more than I ever was..."

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