61. April

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As the members of the house started to head to bed, a dark figure was watching over them. Noticing two smaller forms disappear downstairs, the figure grinned. Teleporting in a puff of black smoke, they landed on a balcony, then walked straight through the wall to the otherside. The shadowy figure had walked straight into a bedroom. Observing their surroundings, they made for the bed and stared down at the form sleeping there. With a flick of their wrist, a pure black ball materialised in their hand. As the figure gently lowered it down, a flash whizzed past and the ball fell to the ground and rolled under the bed.

"Tch.." The shadowy figure turned in the direction of where the flash came from, and another form was standing not so far away.

"I wouldn't, if I were you...."

"I bear no ill will..."

"Likely story...."

The sleeping form of a girl, in the bed, started to stir.

"Well, no matter...." The shadow figure waved his hand and the ball, that fell under the bed, flew back into their hand, before dissipating.

"Mmm?" The girl, in the bed, again started to stir and it looked like they were slowly waking up.

"Until we meet again...." The shadow form announced as the sleeping form slowly awoke, before they vanished completely.


"Go back to sleep, Lucette...."

Seeming to be more awake now that a voice called out to them, the girl, revealed to be Lucette, turned to face the voice, and opened up her mouth.

"Wait.." Moving as quickly as they could, they darted in front of her and clasped a hand around her mouth. "Don't scream, it's me.. Casus..." After announcing himself, he removed his hand from her mouth.

"Why are you in my bedroom?" Lucette asked, rubbing her lips.

"Err.... Hmm.... I swear that it's nothing remotely bad...."

Lucette moved and checked the time on her clock. "It's not even morning yet...."

"Go back to sleep...." He smiled at her. Even through the darkness, she could see him smiling.

"Well, I appreciate you telling me to do something that I was going to do... But... I'm still curious as to why you are here.."

"To see those lovely nephews, of course..."

"It's the middle of the night..."

"Well, they are still awake and downstairs, so I thought I would use the chance..."

".... Then why aren't you downstairs? Instead you're here, waking me up?"

"To catch a glimpse of your beautiful, sleeping face while the others are away, of course." Casus said with glee.

"Er huh... I'm going back to sleep..." Turning her back on him, she lay back down.

"Hahah, goodnight..." He walked towards her door and left the room.

As he made his way downstairs, he could hear chattering. From the voices, he knew that they were the ones he said he wanted to see. However, as he got closer to the voices, he saw Corvus' usual bird form and a.... Brown cat?

"Well, well.... What do we have here then?" He announced as he leaned against the wall a little. Both the cat and bird turned to face him.

"You what?" Corvus exclaimed.

"Huh..." Ichthys replied back, sounding unfazed.

"Is there a reason why you are here?" Corvus questioned him.

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