139. Three Beasts

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After getting pushed down the unknown crater, it felt like Corvus was falling for a while, until he finally hit the floor with such an almighty force that he made a dent in the floor, with dust particles everywhere. After a short while, he starts to stir and groans as he picks himself up off of the floor. He didn't seem to notice a figure seemingly just floating down nearby.

"Did we forget.." The figure spoke. "That you could have floated down or, I don't know, changed into your usual crow form?"

As Corvus stands and held himself up, he looks over to where the voice was coming from and he saw that there, grinning back at him, was Nocte's obnoxious face. Sadly, he had a point.

"Shut it...." Corvus grumbled back.

Nocte looked rather smug as he turned on his heel and walked a few steps away from Corvus.

"What is this place anyway?" Corvus asks as he dusts himself off.

"A place lost in time...." Nocte begins to run his hand along a wall. "Which is slightly amusing."

"And how is it amusing?"

"Because...." He turns around. "If you didn't have the right to be here? You would be yeeted out, so it is good that my hunch was correct."

Corvus narrowed his eyes. "You pushed me down here knowing full well that could happen?"



"I mean my hunch is very rarely wrong, soooo...." Nocte shrugged.

"Uh huh.... But seriously, where exactly are we? You didn't actually answer me before...."

"Oh, well, that would spoil the surprise...." Nocte told Corvus whilst tapping the side of his nose. "But come. We shouldn't dally."

He turned on his heel and waved his hand. An entrance way appeared, and he continued walking beyond the entrance and into a tunnel. Corvus, still wary of this entire place, wobbled along behind him but, as he started to walk down the tunnel that appeared, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched.

"Well, here we are!" Nocte suddenly announced as he stopped right outside a very large door.

As Corvus looked at the door, he noticed that there was nothing remotely special about it. But the most interesting thing about it was the fact that there were statues that stood on either side of it. On one side, there was a destroyed statue of something he couldn't quite make out. But on the other side? There was a statue of an unknown creature. It looked like a wolf or maybe a fox. But it didn't exactly look 'normal' to him.

"What is that?" Corvus asks as he points to the statue, and Nocte follows where he was pointing.

"I don't know...." He shrugged seemingly not even one bit bothered about the weird statue. "We should continue on."

"But I thought you said we were at the place earlier?"

"I meant that we were finally in the right area, duh." He waved his hand in front of the door and it suddenly opened. "Come along, spud."


As Nocte walked through the door, Corvus grumbled as he walked in after him. But, as he walked through the door, it suddenly closed after him and disappeared from sight.

"Well, that's nice...." Corvus states sarcastically.

"There's no need to worry about doors." Nocte points out as he continues walking.

As they walked a few steps ahead, something completely unknown flew right at them. It completely dodged Nocte and it looked like it was going straight for Corvus, but it pings off and dissipates as a wall of darkness appears in front of Corvus.

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