124. Red Orchid

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A/N - Lemon Warning ^_^

Leaving to be alone with Nocte shouldn't have been an issue, but she noticed that he didn't say anything as they walked. When Lucette tried to inquire about it, he held up a hand to stop her. He did it a few times before finally coming to a stop in what looked like a greenhouse, however it looked like it was barely used.

"Well, it should be good here." Nocte stated as he eyed up the few plants that were in there.

"Where are we?" Lucette inquired.

"One of the many Lady Nirvana's greenhouses." Nocte answered her, as he uses a finger to prod a flower. She saw that, on closer inspection, it was one lone red orchid.

"Oh... Your mother."

"Yep...." As Nocte picked up the orchid, he then held it out to her. "Did you know what the orchid flower can symbolise?"

"... No?"

"Well...." Nocte moved the flower closer to his face and eyed it up. "It's kinda in the name, you see.... The word 'orchid' comes from the Greek word 'orkhis', which symbolises fertility. Which is why they are sometimes used as a universal symbol of love."

"Not the rose?"

"Well, if you want to be cliche, sure. But...." He moved the flower so that it was right in front of her face. "Do you know what a red orchid means?"

"Red is usually associated with passion...."

"Well, more or less, that is correct. The red orchid symbolises passion, love and strong emotions. However there is an emphasis on passion and fire. Y'know, that sort of stuff.... An ideal gift for a partner."


Now Lucette was rather curious as to why he was telling her this.

"However, they can also be translated to a reminder of self-love. Self-love makes us unique, special, beautiful and it allows us to dream about our goals because they emit self-love through their beauty."

"Why are you telling me this?"

Nocte smiles as he moves the orchid away and places it back where he found it.

"My mother had many passions, and one of her passions is showing emotion, feelings and all sorts of stuff through the language of flowers..... It is.... The reason why Lucien's body turned into a flower. But..." As he turned around, she noticed that his voice started to sound off at the last few words that he said. "I thought that you would like to know at least, you are the new Goddess of Love and all...."

"Oh... Yeah, that makes sense...."

"Perhaps you might be able to change it so that other flowers are more well known for expressing love than just the common rose...." Nocte gave her a smile, and she noticed that there was no hint of his slight agony on his face that was there just mere moments ago.

"And you took me all the way here to tell me that?" Lucette tilted her head.

"... Technically no. I did have two reasons."

"What would those be?"

"Firstly, do you remember the first time that we met again? Somewhere in France?"

"Oh... That was a while ago...." In a way, she wanted to forget it, especially because of those four sleazeball men. "But yes, I remember...."

"Well, meeting you that day wasn't on purpose. Hmm, I suppose I should tell you something...."

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