96. Rêverie

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A/N - Lime warning

As Lucette wakes up the following morning, she feels somewhat refreshed but, at the same time, she also felt sore. As she opens her eyes more, she comes face to face with a sleeping Corvus. Considering the fact that he said that he was a light sleeper, he looks like he's in a deep sleep right now. Feeling thirsty, she rolls over to get out of bed. As she sits up, she realises that she was still naked. Looking for something to use, she spots what seems to be Corvus' own shirt which was hanging slightly off of the bed. Thinking that he wouldn't really mind, she grabbed it and put it on. Naturally it was a little big on her, but it was still kind of warm. 'Warm' as in he had just been wearing it, which made no sense. Looking back at the bed, she sees him still fast asleep, and she noticed that he hadn't even moved an inch after she got out of bed. But she still sneaked out of the room, and headed downstairs.

As she reached the bottom of the stairs, she overheard snoring. As she walks over to the sofa, she leans over it and spots a brown cat, sleeping on his back. So Ichthys was still asleep? She was smiling down at him as she noticed his leg twitches, but her train of thought ended up getting the better of her. As she looks at the sofa itself, she gets reminded of what they actually did on that sofa. Feeling flushed from the memories, she makes a sound as she slaps her cheeks.

"Eh.... Hmm?"

"Huh?" As she looks down, she sees a pair of turquoise eyes staring up at her. "Oh, I'm sorry that I woke you!"

Ichthys stood up and stretched out, then he looked at her again.

"Uh...." He cleared his throat. "So.... Erm.... Hmm...."

Lucette noticed that he was acting somewhat off, it was something with his body language that gave him away. Wait, has it maybe got something to do with what they did? Taking a deep breath, she tried to ask him.

"Is this about last night?"


"Oh, you don't need to be worried. It's fine, I did.... Err accept you.... Wait, is that even the best thing to say?"

As she was contemplating that, Ichthys transforms back to normal and leans over the sofa as well. When she notices that he was that close to her, she gets surprised and stumbles backwards. Instead of falling, he grabs her by the arm and pulls her forward. For the briefest moment, she really thought he was going to kiss her, but his head lowered to rest on her shoulder.


Before she knew it, he transformed back as a cat and was in her arms.

"Five more minutes...." He mutters into her chest.

"Corvus told me about the.... Errrr.... Stamina thing...." She informed him, as she patted his head.

"Yeah...." He mumbled back. "Having too many sweets and no stamina, there is my natural weakness.... If you know any enemies of mine, well, there you have it...."

"I will keep that in mind?"

"Mmm...." He mumbles something else, but she couldn't hear it and could only hear light snoring sounds now.

Smiling down at him, she gently places him back on the sofa again. Grabbing a blanket, she drapes it over him.

"Sleep well..." She says, with a smile, as she heads off into the kitchen.

Inside the kitchen, she instantly spots the meteor that Ichthys gave her previously, and she smiles at it. Grabbing a drink, she sat down at the table as she drank. Lucette could tell it was a little too early to get up fully, so, after her drink, she planned to go back to bed. But, as she sat in silence, drinking her glass of water, her mind kept replaying certain scenes from last night. Certain touches, certain feelings. Shaking her head, she didn't want to end up constantly daydreaming about those certain scenes. So she tried to get her mind to think of something else but, as she did so, she remembered that she did, in fact, meet Lucien outside yesterday. Which was a little odd. Why was he even there? And then what was the need to go and hug him for? As those questions kept replaying in her mind, it also brought her attention to the dream as well. That weird shadowy figure dream that made absolutely no sense to her. Maybe thinking about last night was better than these questions that she clearly had no answer to. At least the original thoughts made sense. Sighing to herself, she finished her drink and headed back out of the kitchen and back to her room. Along the way, she took one last look at the sleeping Ichthys under the blanket, and made her way back up the stairs.

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