85. Missing

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As Lucette entered the house after leaving Sanctus behind, she locked the door behind her and headed over to the living room. Spotting a little brown cat still on the sofa, she got closer to observe him. Ichthys was still in a comatose state. Sighing, she checked the rest of the house. But, no matter where she looked, there was still no sign of Corvus. Heading back into the living room, she looked at Ichthys again. On several occasions, it looked like he wasn't breathing. Immediately getting worried over his state, she had no idea what to do and someone who knew isn't here. Panicking a little, she had no idea how to call anyone else, and she couldn't call an ambulance. Trying not to hyperventilate from her panicking, she tried to calm herself down.

"I sense a little lady in distress."

At the sound of the voice, she turns around and spots Nocte casually sitting on the arm of the other sofa, wearing the red jacket and black shirt combo instead of the black suit. It was a nice change, seeing him in something else at least. Moving her hand to her heart, she lets out a sigh.

"Oh, I'm glad to see you!" She points towards the little brown body. "Is he going to be ok?"

"Hmm?" Nocte gets a bit curious, hops off the arm and walks over, Lucette observes him as he crouches down in front of the cat, and prods him with his finger. "Well, it looks like someone overindulged themselves recently, I did wonder why you were missing today...." He prods the cat again.

"So he will be ok?"

"Oh sure, no need to worry. This won't kill him, he'll just need to rest for a while. However, perhaps lay off the sweets next time, yes?" He said out loud to Ichthys, and he mumbled something and rolled over. "Typical...."

"It was his grandmother who gave him the sweets.... She gave him a week's worth, but he ate them in an entire day...."

"Grandmother?" Nocte perked up at that, and looked up at her. "Oh, right, Aria. Heh, she was always a feeder to a degree. I think I lost count of the amount of times she gave me stuff."

"I don't think she meant any harm, I just think he's just..." Lucette trailed off as she looked down at the cat.

"Greedy?" Nocte finishes her sentence off. "But yes, he's notorious for that." He ponders for a moment. "Heh, honestly, the other one is also greedy, but for something else entirely. Something that can be said to be much more sweeter."

"Eh? You mean Corvus? I've never seen him eat sweets, unless you count those gummy bears...."

"Oh, I didn't mean that kind of 'sweet'. But nevermind...." He stood up. "But yes, little Ikky the Piggy here will be fine. No cause for alarm."

"I see, I'm glad. But, is there a way I could contact anyone if anything else went down or if there is something I don't know."

Nocte smiled at her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Carpe Noctum."


"If you require assistance, say that and it should alert me. Does that sound ok?"

"Yes, I'm sorry to be a pain...." She hangs her head.

"Ah, nonsense...." He lifts her face up, and stares softly at her. "You're never a pain."

Lucette smiled back at him, she always found him unbelievably kind. But she wondered if he ever did stuff for himself though? As she thought that, she realised something as she stared at his green eyes. The same green as....

"Hey, do you know where Corvus is?" She asks him, and he removes his hand and ponders for a moment.

"Last time I saw him was at the school.... After that, he took off...." He shrugged.

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