125. Safe House

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Lucette thought that the next time that she would open her eyes, she would be in the room, but instead she was in the flower field again. But something was different about it. It was much brighter and, if you looked further away, she could see that there was nothing but light. As Lucette looks around, she spots the owner of this place crouched down in front of some flowers. As she knows that there must be a reason as to why she is here, she walks right up to him.

"Hey... Luce." Lucien says to her as she walks up behind him.

"Why am I here?" Lucette straight up asks him.

"Well...." Lucien stands up. "I brought you here...."

As she looks at the flowers behind him, she realises that they are red orchids.

"Yeah, but why?"

As Lucien dusted his hands off, he turned around.

"I've been pondering about our original decision to help Nocte."


"I think that it might be best to leave him as he is, because it's who he is...."

"Why the change of heart?"

"Why?" Lucien looks up to the empty sky. "I've been observing and I do believe that it's the right course of action. Perhaps my vision all those years ago was wrong, well the future can change...." He then looks directly at her. "However, he might end up having a hard time very soon...."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm unsure, but it's something to do with the darkness...."

Lucette ponders over what Lucien told her, but then she realises something. Isn't Nocte someone who governs over darkness? Why would he be having trouble with it? But now, thinking about it, if she was here with Lucien again, it might be the best time to talk to him. There was just something off with this place, and she had a weird feeling that she might not have many more of these talks.


"Hmm?" His head perked at the sound of his name.

"The powers I have...."

"What about them?"

"Is there a way that I could give someone strength without...." She trailed off, having no clue how to even say the next line. But it looked like he understood what she meant, since he nodded.

"Maybe, in due time. Powers constantly grow with you, so there is probably a high chance of that happening. I mean you gave Nocte energy with just a peck on the cheek once, yes?"

"Yeah... Yes I did!"

"Well then, it will come in due time. It's just what it currently is at the moment since your body probably finds it easier."

"I see...." Lucette nods along.

"However, I do regret that you got lumped with them in the first place, but it is what it is...."

"Wait!" Lucette realised something. "You were killed by the future version of Sanctus, or well Angelus, but anyway that's not my main point.... My main point is can't you come back then?"

Lucien shakes his head with a sad expression on his face.

"My death was predetermined, but at least the way I went was by my own choice." Lucien's sad face then turned into a little smile. "However, my nephew is such a strange boy. It's like he's the combination of Nocte, Ichthys and Corvus. But his powerful deterimentation? He most definitely gets that from you."

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