78. Feelings Over Food

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Lime Warning

The following morning, the sound of Lucette's phone going off awoke her. Peering out from under the sheets, she moved her arm to pluck it from her beside. Looking at the phone screen, she could see that it was a text message. Groaning, she placed the phone back out of her sheets, and retreated back under the covers, she'll get to the message later. As she lay there, she felt something move underneath the covers with her. Something soft and furry touched her leg. Lifting the cover to look at what exactly it was, she saw a little brown cat, still half asleep, under the sheets with her. For some reason, he was hugging her knee with one of his paws.

"Mmm... Chocolate eclairs, gateau's, marshmallows.....mmmm...."

Really? He even dreams about sweets? Shaking her head, she moved her hand and softly stroked his head. Considering the lighting in her room, it was still a bit early. Laying her head back down, she drifted off again, with a certain cat still hugging her knee.

When she awoke again, she couldn't help feeling trapped. She found herself laying on her back and, as she picked up the covers, she saw that there, clear as day, was not a cat. Ichthys was using her chest as a pillow, and his limbs were wrapped around the rest of her body. Considering the fact that he was hugging her knee in his sleep earlier, she wondered if he transformed back whilst he slept? However, if she wanted to move, she couldn't. Tapping him on the head, she realised that he barely stirred. But he did mumble something out.

"Warm, soft.... Pillows...."

Is he referring to her chest as an actual pillow??

"This is most indecent..." A familiar, grumpy voice called out and there, standing beside her bed, and looking down, was Corvus. Throwing the covers off them entirely, he prodded the sleeping Ichthys. "Wake up, you imbecile!"

"Five more minutes..."

"If you don't get up in five seconds, you're going to get a pummeling..."

Lucette watched as Ichthys moved his head and rolled slightly so that he could look at Corvus.

"Why are you so aggressive this early?"

"Well, your lard arse is crushing someone...." Corvus pointed in Lucette's direction, and Ichthys followed it. His eyes went a bit wide when he spotted her, and looked down at what he was hugging.

"Oh... I thought I was hugging an actual pillow, ehehee.... My bad...." Ichthys rolled off of her and stretched. "I wonder if that old lady has left any boxes. For some reason, I have a need for sweets...." They watched him get up and walk straight out of the room.

"Err, that was kind of weird..." Lucette admitted, out loud.

"Not really. He was dreaming about sweets. Very annoying..." Corvus grumbled out.

"Wait, how do you know?"

"It's a thing called 'telepathy', he likes to send me his sweet dreams, thinking I might actually like them. Now it's more like I learned to hate them, because of that moron...." He shrugged.

"It's kinda cute though...."


Lucette looked at him. She could tell that he looked rather annoyed, and slightly tired. His brother must've been really harassing him if he did that. However, as she slowly remembered her dream from last night, she looked away from him, but something came to her mind. Telepathy is the ability to like read and transmit thoughts, so could he actually read her dreams? She had to know.



"Your telepathy, can you read anyones mind?"

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