112. No Place Like Home

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The sound of light breathing right next to her face woke Lucette up the following morning. As she opens her eyes, she is met with the sleeping face of Sanctus. A smile creeped on her face as she watched him, as she saw that he looked really content. Fighting off the urge to pinch his cheeks, she continued to watch him. As she kept on watching him sleep, she was unsure about the amount of time that went by, however he slowly opened his eyes and noticed that she was looking right at him.

"Do you usually watch people sleep?"

"No, not really.....?"

"However....." He moved so that he perched himself up a little. "That didn't answer my question...."

"Ah, well.... I do if they make me smile...."

"Hmm, and you are not weirded out at all by 'me' being here, in the bed?"

"No? Why would I?"

"You are very strange...." Sanctus moved, and sat upright as he looked around the room. "Interesting, I slept the entire night without any disturbances.... Hmm...."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, where are those two?"

Now that he had mentioned it, she wondered where exactly both Ichthys and Corvus were. Did they sleep the entire night? Feeling curious now, she slipped out of the bed and walked over to the wall. As she opened it up, she poked her head in. She saw that there was a form sleeping on Corvus' bed still, and that revealed that someone was there. As she walked into the room, and over to the bed, she leaned down a little to peek at the person who was asleep on the bed. She saw that it was Corvus who was still fast asleep, his breathing was slow and calm and, nestled under his arm, was also a sleeping brown cat.

"Hmm? Are they still sleeping?" Sanctus' voice rang out by her ear and, as she turned her head, she saw that he was staring down at them.

"It looks like it...." She whispered back. "I wonder why...."

"I can take a wild guess with one, but the other? Not so much.... However....." Sanctus held out his hand, and it looked like he was going to touch Corvus, but his hand was inches away. "Oh, I get it now...." He removed his hand, and took a few steps back.

"Huh? Get what?"

"I'll explain in the other room, it's best to let them sleep...." He took one last look at them, and then walked off into the other room.

Lucette was a little confused, but she took one last look at the both of them and followed along after Sanctus, closing the wall behind her. Sanctus was sitting on her bed again, and she joined him.

"Soooooo, what's going on?"

An "out of body experience'' type of thing. I do NOT know why they didn't inform you prior to this, which actually makes me wonder if it was the cat's doing...." Sanctus started to explain.

"Erm, what?"

"'Astral projection' I think the phrase is. Which explains why they have been 'sleeping' for ages, it's because they aren't there...."

"But why?"

"It has something to do with the 'nightmare' issue, probably. Ichthys probably did it to try and help Corvus. But I can say, with confidence, that their 'souls' are not in their bodies."

"Where did they go?"

"Who knows...." Sanctus shrugs. "Those little ESP things are just unique to them.... However, it was a bit rude to not say anything about doing it...."

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